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How to define arguments and describe them enums with Flutter?


Is it possible to define enum in Flutter in the way to define specific values like color and type. Regarding to this article I do not see such things:


code from android where this is possible:

    enum class AcceptedItemStatus(@ColorRes val color: Int, @StringRes val type: Int) {
        NEW(R.color.green, R.string.accepted_chip_new),


CodePudding user response:

Dart doesn't have out-of-the-box support for adding custom properties to Enums. It's a shame because I really like that feature of Kotlin and other languages and use it a lot. However you can work around it using some packages.

  1. Add the built_value package to your dependencies in pubspec.yaml

  2. Add build_runner and built_value_generator to dev_dependencies

  3. Create accepted_item_status.dart

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';

part 'accepted_item_status.g.dart';

class AcceptedItemStatus extends EnumClass {

  // @BuiltValueEnumConst is optional, if you want to use the built_value serialization and want to control
  // what value each enum item serialises to:
  @BuiltValueEnumConst(wireNumber: 1)
  static const AcceptedItemStatus newItem = _$newItem;
  @BuiltValueEnumConst(wireNumber: 2)
  static const AcceptedItemStatus standby = _$standby;

  const AcceptedItemStatus._(String name) : super(name);

  static BuiltSet<AcceptedItemStatus> get values => _$values;
  static AcceptedItemStatus valueOf(String name) => _$valueOf(name);
  // This is optional, if you want to use the automatic serializer generation:
  static Serializer<AcceptedItemStatus> get serializer => _$acceptedItemStatusSerializer;

  Color get colour => _colour[this] ?? (throw StateError("No colour found for $this"));

  static const _colour = {
    newItem: Color(0xFF123456),
    standby: Color(0xFF654321),
  1. Run the code generator to automatically generate the companion file for your enum: flutter pub run build_runner build

Et voila! Now you can use AcceptedItemStatus just like an enum, and it will have your custom properies:

final status = AcceptedItemStatus.newItem;
Color statusColour = status.colour;

CodePudding user response:

Perhaps, you can use extension for enum.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

enum AcceptedItemStatus {
  isNew, standBy

extension AcceptedItemStatusExtension on AcceptedItemStatus {
  Color get color {
    switch (this) {
      case AcceptedItemStatus.isNew:
        return Colors.green;
      case AcceptedItemStatus.standBy:
        return Colors.orange;

  String get title {
    switch (this) {
      case AcceptedItemStatus.isNew:
        return "Is New";
      case AcceptedItemStatus.standBy:
        return "Is Stand By";


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