Home > other >  Rtti method got from Type1 can be invoked on object of Type2
Rtti method got from Type1 can be invoked on object of Type2


I have the following program.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  var con: TRttiContext;
  var meth := con.GetType(TButton).GetMethod('Click');
  meth.Invoke(BitBtn1, []);

BitBtn1 is a TBitBtn. As you can see, meth is a method object got from type TButton. But, by my testing, it can be invoked against a TBitBtn without any issue. Is this expected?

CodePudding user response:

The RTTI you've posted works because both TBitBtn and TButton share a common ancestor (TCustomButton) which implements the Click method.

The code would fail if you used two types that didn't descend from an ancestor that implemented the same method, such as TEdit and TMemo. Both allow you to enter text, but TMemo has the property Lines. TEdit does not, which would cause the code you've posted to fail.

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