Computer science refers to the combination of computer hardware and software for system, more application of wide caliber, professional teaching and professional training, through the base, have basic knowledge, wide knowledge, engineering practice ability, has innovation consciousness, engaged in scientific research in the field of computer science and technology, education, development and application of advanced talents,
Mainly reflects in: computer science feature of strong theoretical, practical, rapid development according to the level of discipline training base deep wide caliber talents, embodied in the emphasis on mathematics, logic, data structure and algorithm, electronic design, computer architecture and system software aspects of the theoretical basis and technical basis, two and a half years before pay attention to the natural science foundation courses and professional courses, widen the face, after a year and a half is mainly professional course setting, increase the optionality, diversity, flexibility and directivity, highlight the characteristics of subject direction, reflect the latest technology trends,
Discipline level
Closely related to computer science and other disciplines, has obvious cross field between these disciplines, but also have obvious differences,
Information science, information science refers to the information as the main research object, the movement rule and application methods of information as the main research content, such as computer technology as the main research tool, to extend the information function of human as the main goal of a new comprehensive discipline, information science from the information theory, cybernetics, computer science, bionics, system engineering and artificial intelligence and other disciplines mutual penetration, in combination with each other and form,
(Software Engineering - Software Engineering, SE for short) is the study of Engineering method to build and maintain effective, practical and high quality Software subject, it involves programming language, database, Software development tools, system platform, standard, design patterns, etc., in the modern society, the Software is applied in many aspects, the typical Software such as E-mail, embedded systems, human-computer interface, the office suite, operating systems, compiler, database, games, apps, etc., at the same time, almost all industries have the application of computer Software, such as industry, agriculture, banking, aviation, government departments, etc., these applications to promote the economic and social development, make people work more efficiently, improve the quality of life at the same time,
Information systems - the so-called MIS (Information System, Management Information System) System, is a person, computer and other peripheral equipment for Information collection, transmission, storage, processing, maintenance and use of the System, it is an emerging science, its main task is to maximize the use of modern computer and network communication technology to strengthen enterprise Information Management, through to the enterprise with manpower, material resources, financial resources, equipment, technology and resources survey of understanding, establish the correct data, processed and compiled into various Information provided to Management in time, for the right decisions, continuously improve the Management level of enterprises and economic benefits, at present, the enterprise computer network has become the enterprise technical renovation and an important means to improve the level of enterprise Management,
Computer engineering (also known as electronic and computer engineering, or computer systems engineering) is a discipline, combined with the content of electrical engineering and computer science, computer engineers are electrical engineers have more training in the field of software and hardware design, software integration, on the other hand, they pay attention to reduce the power electronics and physics, the calculation of computer engineers are involved in many aspects, from the design of individual processors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design, the project of many subsystems monitoring of motor vehicles,
- this major is computer information security, communications, mathematics, physics, law, management, and other interdisciplinary subject, the main research to ensure information security of the science and technology, cultivate to engage in computer, communications, electronic commerce, electronic government, electronic information security senior specialized talents in the field of finance, cryptography - is the study of establishment and decipher the password technology science, study the objective law of the password change applied to prepare the password to keep secret of the communication, known as coding to learn; Applied to decode passwords for communication intelligence, known as decoding,
Professional characteristic
Computer discipline characteristic mainly reflects in: strong theoretical, practical, development is rapid,
According to the level of discipline training base deep wide caliber talents, reflected in the emphasis on mathematics, logic, data structure and algorithm, electronic design, computer architecture and system software and so on theoretical foundation and technical basis, two and a half years before pay attention to the natural science foundation courses and professional courses, widen the face, after a year and a half is mainly professional course setting, add the optional sex, diversity, flexibility and directivity, highlight the characteristics of subject direction, reflect the latest technology development trend, has covered all the secondary discipline curriculum, strengthening the mathematical basis and analysis ability, higher mathematics reform in mathematical analysis, increase the computer mathematics foundation course, embodied in assuming that combinatorial mathematics, increase of discrete mathematics class, and the subsequent courses in computer (such as algorithm and data structure, compiling course) in mathematics application line continuously, pay more attention to practical teaching, increase experimental curriculum, the proportion of curriculum design, pay attention to the autonomy practice, practice throughout the four years of study, strengthen the cultivation of comprehensive ability to use knowledge,
Computer features mainly reflects in the following areas:
Internal operation speed, the computer operation is composed of digital logic circuit, high speed accurately finish can be all kinds of arithmetic, the speed of a computer system has reached one trillion times per second, computer also can reach more than one hundred million times a second, to solve a large number of complex scientific computing problems, for example, the calculation of satellite orbit, the calculation of large DAMS, 2 4 hours weather forecast calculation, etc., the artificial calculation need a few years, decades, now use computer just a few days or even a few minutes to complete,
Calculation accuracy is high, the development of science and technology advanced the development of science and technology, in particular, need to be highly accurate calculation, computer control missile can accurately hit the intended target, is inseparable, for the precise calculation and computer general computer can have more than a dozen or even dozens of significant figures (binary), calculation accuracy can be made of a few parts per thousand to a few parts per million, is any dust by computing tools,
Logic operation ability, computers can not only to calculate, also has the function of logic operation, information to compare and judge, the computer can put in operation of data, programs, and the intermediate results and final results, and can automatically perform the next instruction according to the result of judgment for the user to call at any time, the user can according to need, design good operation steps and procedure in advance, the computer is very strictly in accordance with the procedures prescribed steps, the whole process without human intervention,
Storage capacity is big, the computer memory characteristics, internal memory can store large amounts of information, the information, not only includes all kinds of data information, also including the processing of these data program
The development history
Evolution of computing tools has experienced from simple to complex, from low level to high level at different stages, such as from the "knot in the rope chronicle" to raise, abacus slide rule, mechanical computer, etc., they are in the different historical period played a respective historical role, but also gave birth to the prototype of the electronic computer and the design mentality,
1946年2月14日,由美国军方定制的世界上第一台电子计算机"电子数字积分计算机 在美国宾夕法尼亚大学问世了, ENIAC是美国奥伯丁武器试验场为了满足计算弹道需要而研制成的,其主要发明人是电气工程师普雷斯波·埃克特(J.Prespen Eckert)和物理学家约翰·莫奇勒(John W.Mauchly)博士,这台计算器使用了17840支电子管,大小为80英尺×8英尺,重达28t(吨),功耗为170kW,其运算速度为每秒5000次的加法运算,造价为487000美元,ENIAC的问世具有划时代的意义,表明电子计算机时代的到来,在以后60多年里,计算机技术以惊人的速度发展,在人类科技史上还没有哪一个学科可以与电子计算机技术的发展速度相提并论,如2006年上市的Intel双核心移动处理器Core 2 Duo,原件密度为150万支晶体管,大小为90.3m,重量几乎可以忽略,功耗最多为31W,其运算速度为每秒216亿次,造价仅为637美元,单从性能一项看就比ENIAC提高了约4000万倍,难怪著名计算机科学家费里德里克·布鲁克说:人类文明迄今,除计算机技术外,没有任何一门技术的性能价格比能在30年内增长6个数量级[2] ,
The computer professional
Computer science refers to the combination of computer hardware and software for system, more application of wide caliber, professional teaching and professional training, through the base, have basic knowledge, wide knowledge, engineering practice ability, has innovation consciousness, engaged in scientific research in the field of computer science and technology, education, development and application of advanced talents,
Mainly reflects in: computer science feature of strong theoretical, practical, rapid development according to the level of discipline training base deep wide caliber talents, embodied in the emphasis on mathematics, logic, data structure and algorithm, electronic design, computer architecture and system software aspects of the theoretical basis and technical basis, two and a half years before pay attention to the natural science foundation courses and professional courses, widen the face, after a year and a half is mainly professional course setting, increase the optionality, diversity, flexibility and directivity, highlight the characteristics of subject direction, reflect the latest technology trends,
Closely related to computer science and other disciplines, has obvious cross field between these disciplines, but also have obvious differences,
Information science, information science refers to the information as the main research object, the movement rule and application methods of information as the main research content, such as computer technology as the main research tool, to extend the information function of human as the main goal of a new comprehensive discipline, information science from the information theory, cybernetics, computer science, bionics, system engineering and artificial intelligence and other disciplines mutual penetration, in combination with each other and form,
(Software Engineering - Software Engineering, SE for short) is the study of Engineering method to build and maintain effective, practical and high quality Software subject, it involves programming language, database, Software development tools, system platform, standard, design patterns, etc., in the modern society, the Software is applied in many aspects, the typical Software such as E-mail, embedded systems, human-computer interface, the office suite, operating systems, compiler, database, games, apps, etc., at the same time, almost all industries have the application of computer Software, such as industry, agriculture, banking, aviation, government departments, etc., these applications to promote the economic and social development, make people work more efficiently, improve the quality of life at the same time,
Information system - the so-called MIS system, is a person, computer and other peripheral equipment for information collection, transmission, storage, processing, maintenance and use of the system, it is an emerging science, its main task is to maximize the use of modern computer and network communication technology to strengthen enterprise information management, through to the enterprise with manpower, material resources, financial resources, equipment, technology and other resources survey of understanding, establish the correct data, processed and compiled into various information provided to management in time, for the right decisions, continuously improve the management level of enterprises and economic benefits, at present, the enterprise computer network has become the enterprise technical renovation and an important means to improve the level of enterprise management,
Computer engineering - (also known as electronic and computer engineering, or computer systems engineering) is a discipline, combined with the content of electrical engineering and computer science, computer engineers are electrical engineers have more training in the field of software and hardware design, software integration, on the other hand, they pay attention to reduce the power electronics and physics, the calculation of computer engineers are involved in many aspects, from the design of individual processors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design, the project of many subsystems monitoring of motor vehicles,
- this major is computer information security, communications, mathematics, physics, law, management, and other interdisciplinary subject, the main research to ensure information security of the science and technology, cultivate to engage in computer, communications, electronic commerce, electronic government, electronic information security senior specialized talents in the field of finance, cryptography - is the study of establishment and decipher the password technology science, study the objective law of the password change applied to prepare the password to keep secret of the communication, known as coding to learn; Applied to decode passwords for communication intelligence, known as decoding,
Professional characteristic
Computer discipline characteristic mainly reflects in: strong theoretical, practical, development is rapid,
According to the level of discipline training base deep wide caliber talents, reflected in the emphasis on mathematics, logic, data structure and algorithm, electronic design, computer architecture and system software and so on theoretical foundation and technical basis, two and a half years before pay attention to the natural science foundation courses and professional courses, widen the face, after a year and a half is mainly professional course setting, add the optional sex, diversity, flexibility and directivity, highlight the characteristics of subject direction, reflect the latest technology development trend, has covered all the secondary discipline curriculum, strengthening the mathematical basis and analysis ability, higher mathematics reform in mathematical analysis, increase the computer mathematics foundation course, embodied in assuming that combinatorial mathematics, increase of discrete mathematics class, and the subsequent courses in computer (such as algorithm and data structure, compiling course) in mathematics application line continuously, pay more attention to practical teaching, increase experimental curriculum, the proportion of curriculum design, pay attention to the autonomy practice, practice throughout the four years of study, strengthen the cultivation of comprehensive ability to use knowledge,
Computer features mainly reflects in the following areas:
Internal operation speed, the computer operation is composed of digital logic circuit, high speed accurately finish can be all kinds of arithmetic, the speed of a computer system has reached one trillion times per second, computer also can reach more than one hundred million times a second, to solve a large number of complex scientific computing problems, for example, the calculation of satellite orbit, the calculation of large DAMS, 2 4 hours weather forecast calculation, etc., the artificial calculation need a few years, decades, now use computer just a few days or even a few minutes to complete,