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How to create a list of a certain depth in Haskell


He recently started studying Haskell. I have a task: Program the function bubl N A with two computational arguments - the number N and the atom A. The function builds a list of depth N; at the deepest level an element of the list is A, and at any other level the list consists of one element. For example: bubl 3 5 => [[[5]]].

Here is my failed attempt to solve this problem:

bubl :: Integer -> a -> [a] -> [a]
bubl n b list
  | n == 0 = take 1 ([head list] : list)
  | n /= 0 = bubl (n - 1) b (take 1 [head list] : ---list)

I'm just a beginner on this way so I need your help)

CodePudding user response:

There are a few advanced approaches to solving this problem (see below), but the Haskell type system -- by design -- will prevent you from writing a straightforward solution for this task.

The issue is that a Haskell function generally can't change the type of its result based on an input argument, so you can't write a function definition in Haskell that looks like this:

weird 1 = False            -- type is Bool
weird 2 = "Hello world!"   -- type is String
weird 3 = 42               -- type is Int, say

The bubl function you're trying to write presents a similar problem, because a given list type has a fixed depth, and if the depth depends on the first argument, the type of the result will differ depending on that argument:

bubl 1 5 = [5]     -- type is [Int]
bubl 2 5 = [[5]]   -- type is [[Int]]
bubl 3 5 = [[[5]]] -- type is [[[Int]]]

The simplest solution (though still somewhat advanced for a beginner) is to define a new, user-defined type that can represent "lists" of different depths, but only using a single type. In a real program, the form of this type would depend on the context for using bubl. In an artificial programming task like this, we have to guess. If you wanted to be able to represent "lists" of integers that could be arbitrarily nested to different depths, like a hypothetical "list":

[1,[1,2,3],[[4,[5],[[[[6]]]]]]]   -- note: not a valid Haskell list!

then you'd probably define a Haskell type something like:

data NestedList = Atom Int | Nest [NestedList]

or more generally for nested lists with potentially non-integer atoms:

data NestedList a = Atom a | Nest [NestedList a]

The hypothetical list above would look like this when defined using this new type:

ex1 = Nest [ Atom 1
           , Nest [Atom 1, Atom 2, Atom 3]
           , Nest [Nest [ Atom 4
                        , Nest [Atom 5]
                        , Nest [Nest [Nest [Nest [Atom 6]]]]

and you could define a version of bubl that uses this representation:

bubl :: Integer -> a -> NestedList a
bubl 0 b = Atom b
bubl n b = Nest [bubl (n-1) b]

If you write a function to convert a NestedList to a nice string representation:

import Data.List (intercalate)

showNest :: (Show a) => NestedList a -> String
showNest (Atom a) = show a
showNest (Nest xs) = "["    intercalate "," (map showNest xs)    "]"

you can get the sort of output you're hoping for:

λ> putStrLn $ showNest (bubl 3 5)

There are additional solutions that stick with normal Haskell lists, but they are much more advanced. One clever solution uses type classes to let the caller determine the depth of the list, eliminating the need to pass the depth as an argument:

class Bubl a where
  bubl :: Int -> a
instance Bubl a => Bubl [a] where
  bubl x = [bubl x]
instance Bubl Int where
  bubl = id

main = do
  print (bubl 3 :: Int)
  print (bubl 3 :: [Int])
  print (bubl 3 :: [[[Int]]])

With a lot of complicated extensions you can adapt this solution to take a type-level depth argument, which solves the original task with slightly modified syntax (an @-sign in the call). I'm only including this example to show that it's technically possible with a lot of advanced Haskell features. The complexity illustrates that you're really not supposed to be doing this in "normal" Haskell code.

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import GHC.TypeLits

class Bubl a where
  bubl :: Int -> a
instance Bubl a => Bubl [a] where
  bubl x = [bubl x]
instance Bubl Int where
  bubl = id

type family Nested n where
  Nested 0 = Int
  Nested n = [Nested (n-1)]

bubl' :: forall n. (Bubl (Nested n)) => Int -> Nested n
bubl' = bubl

main = do
  print $ bubl' @0 5   -- prints "5"
  print $ bubl' @3 5   -- prints "[[[5]]]"
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