hey i can not render all my values. i got names (button) if i click these i will render the array behind it. if i use .append() it will render all of them but when i click again it wil not refresh it and get stacked. what i want use is something like .text() or .html(). but i can not find the issue it wil return always the first one in the array and the other values are not showing.
var treinen =$("#treinenArray0");
var list = data.info[0].kwalificaties;
$.each(list, function(index, value){
treinen.html($('<li>' value '</li>'));
CodePudding user response:
You seem to be not appending them but instead overwriting them.
treinen.html(treinen.html() '<li>' value '</li>'));
should append each one to the pre-existing html.