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Scrapy CrawlSpider class cannot crawl automatically according to rule


Before you see a crawl tencent online recruitment chestnuts
The import re
The import json
The from scrapy. The selector import the selector
The from scrapy. Spiders import spiders
The from scrapy. Spiders import BaseSpider as spiders
The from scrapy. Utils. Response import get_base_url
The from scrapy. Utils. Url import urljoin_rfc
The from scrapy. Contrib. Spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
The from scrapy. Contrib. Linkextractors. SGML import SgmlLinkExtractor as sle
The from itzhaopin. Items import *
The from itzhaopin. Misc. The log import *
The class TencentSpider (CrawlSpider) :
Allowed_domains=(" tencent.com ")
Rules=[# define crawl URL rules
Rule (sle (allow=("/position. PHP \? & Start=\ d {4} # b ")), follow=True, the callback='parse_item')
Def parse_item (self, response) : # extract data to the Items inside, the main use XPath and CSS selector to extract data page
The items=[]
Sel=the Selector (response)
Base_url=get_base_url (response)
Sites_even=sel. CSS (' table. Tablelist tr. Even ')
For site in sites_even:
The item=TencentItem ()
Item [' name ']=site. CSS (' l.s quare a '). The xpath (' text () '). The extract ()
Relative_url=site. CSS (' l.s quare a '). The xpath (' @ href) extract () [0]
The item [' detailLink]=urljoin_rfc (base_url relative_url)
The item [' catalog]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (2) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' workLocation]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (4) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' recruitNumber]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (3) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' publishTime ']=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (5) : : text '). The extract ()
The items. Append (item)
# print repr (item). Decode (" unicode - escape ") + '\ n'
Sites_odd=sel. CSS (' table. Tablelist tr. Odd ')
For site in sites_odd:
The item=TencentItem ()
Item [' name ']=site. CSS (' l.s quare a '). The xpath (' text () '). The extract ()
Relative_url=site. CSS (' l.s quare a '). The xpath (' @ href) extract () [0]
The item [' detailLink]=urljoin_rfc (base_url relative_url)
The item [' catalog]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (2) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' workLocation]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (4) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' recruitNumber]=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (3) : : text '). The extract ()
The item [' publishTime ']=site. CSS (' tr & gt; Td: NTH - child (5) : : text '). The extract ()
The items. Append (item)
# print repr (item). Decode (" unicode - escape ") + '\ n'
Info (" parsed "+ STR (response))
Return the items
Def _process_request (self, request) :
Info (' process '+ STR (request))
The return request

Themselves, according to the wrote a encyclopedia articles from python, extract the page link, crawl the title, description, url
The import re
The from scrapy. The selector import the selector
The from scrapy. Utils. Response import get_base_url
The from scrapy. Spiders import Rule, CrawlSpider
The from scrapy. Linkextractors import LinkExtractor as sle
The from baikeSpider. Items import *

The class BaikeSpider (CrawlSpider) :
"Allowed_domains=(" baike.baidu.com ")
Rule (sle (allow=("/view/\ d + \. HTM ")), follow=True, the callback='parse_item')

Def parse_item (self, response) :
Sel=the Selector (response)
Base_url=get_base_url (response)
The item=BaikespiderItem ()
Item [' title ']=sel. Xpath ('//dd [contains (@ class, "lemmaWgt - lemmaTitle - the title")]/h1/text () '). The extract () [0]
The item [' url ']=base_url
Item [' desc ']=sel. Xpath ('//div [contains (@ class, "lemma - summary")]/div/text () '). The extract ()
Return the item

Def _process_request (self, request) :
Print (' process '+ STR (request))
The return request

This can't crawl, test and parse_item did not perform, I change the parse_item to parse, is able to crawl start_url, wondering, why don't the original, you can write like that, in addition to ask, I this how to change

CodePudding user response:

Don't say clear, didn't post all the code

CodePudding user response:

Well what do you think of where did not say clear, then the missing part of the code can say

CodePudding user response:

You are funny, I think you didn't say clear, I also said that clear? Since you said a can run successfully, one can't that you give to the two code

CodePudding user response:

If you cannot tell me where I couldn't say for sure, so what do you think I where, spiders code all over all, the other items and pipelines doesn't affect the crawl, besides what you want me to stick???????

CodePudding user response:

Scrappy default calling parse, you want to use the parse - item, show that you didn't work this sentence: rule=[
Rule (sle (allow=("/view/\ d + \. HTM ")), follow=True, the callback='parse_item')
Regular expression did not match the view/21087 HTM, find their own knowledge of regular expressions completion he is ok,

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord, how are you, I also met the same problem, want to ask next you finally have found a way to solve

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor Honghui_Wang response:
the building Lord, how are you, I also met the same problem, want to ask next you finally have found a way to solve it

In front of our crawlers inherited CrawlSpider, also defines the parse (self, response) as to content after the callback function, actually this is incorrect usage!!!!!!
Officials hint: when writing the rules of a reptile, please avoid using the parse as the callback function, because CrawlSpider parse method is used to implement the logic, if you cover the parse method, crawl spiders will run failed,

So the solution is to delete the custom parse, and then the callback=parse_item parsing operations into parse_item is oknullnull
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