Home > other >  During the running of unity package exe may collapse and collapse random position
During the running of unity package exe may collapse and collapse random position


Collapse the error log. The log

The Stack Trace of Crashed Thread 2648:
0 x0000000077a2a365 (NTDLL) RtlFreeHeap
0 x00000000775817ca (kernel32) HeapFree
0 x000007fef68473f4 (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk
0 x000007fef5d15cb8 (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12
0 x000007fef5dc9356 (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12
0 x000007fef5de992f (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12
0 x000007fef5de986f (nvwgf2umx) OpenAdapter12
0 x000007fef68421fc (nvwgf2umx) NVAPI_Thunk
0 x000000007757570d (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0 x0000000077a5385d (NTDLL) RtlUserThreadStart

Sports for Running Threads:

The Call Stack for the Thread 4440:
0 x0000000077a698ca (NTDLL) ZwWaitForSingleObject
0 x000007fefdfe10ac (KERNELBASE) WaitForSingleObjectEx
0 x000007feea2590ec (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceClient: : CreateGpuProgram
0 x000007fee978ced1 (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab: : SubProgram: : Compile
0 x000007fee978e71d (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab: : Program: : GetMatchingSubProgram
0 x000007fee9793f26 (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab: : ShaderState: : FindSubProgramsToUse
0 x000007fee97926cb (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab: : ShaderState: : ApplyShaderState
0 x000007fee978cb03 (UnityPlayer) ShaderLab: : Pass: : ApplyPass
0 x000007fee976b176 (UnityPlayer) ApplyMaterialPassWithCache
0 x000007fee976adf0 (UnityPlayer) ApplyMaterialPassAndKeywordsWithCache
0 x000007fee92cd526 (UnityPlayer) BatchRenderer: : ApplyShaderPass
0 x000007fee92d311b (UnityPlayer) ForwardRenderLoopJob
0 x000007fee9968183 (UnityPlayer) GfxDevice: : ExecuteAsync
0 x000007feea25d48b (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceClient: : ExecuteAsync
0 x000007fee92da1d4 (UnityPlayer) ForwardShaderRenderLoop: : StartRenderJobs
0 x000007fee92d4133 (UnityPlayer) ForwardShaderRenderLoop: : PerformRendering
0 x000007fee92d1c6b (UnityPlayer) DoForwardShaderRenderLoop
0 x000007fee92e68c6 (UnityPlayer) DoRenderLoop
0 x000007fee923e485 (UnityPlayer) Camera: : DefaultPerformRenderFunction: : operator ()
0 x000007fee9243f43 (UnityPlayer) Camera: : DoRender
0 x000007fee92438e1 (UnityPlayer) Camera: : CustomRender
0 x000007fee92499e9 (UnityPlayer) Camera: : Render
0 x000007fee92a20a8 (UnityPlayer) RenderManager: : RenderCameras
0 x000007fee96fd51a (UnityPlayer) PlayerRender
0 x000007fee96fac04 (UnityPlayer) ` InitPlayerLoopCallbacks' : : ` 2: : PostLateUpdateFinishFrameRenderingRegistrator: : Forward
0 x000007fee96fa07e (UnityPlayer) ExecutePlayerLoop
0 x000007fee96fa139 (UnityPlayer) ExecutePlayerLoop
0 x000007fee96fd370 (UnityPlayer) PlayerLoop
0 x000007feea228e10 (UnityPlayer) PerformMainLoop
0 x000007feea227d7a (UnityPlayer) MainMessageLoop
0 x000007feea22a8e8 (UnityPlayer) UnityMainImpl
0 x000007feea22aabb (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0 x000000013f761207 (RTEarth) __scrt_common_main_seh
0 x000000007757570d (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0 x0000000077a5385d (NTDLL) RtlUserThreadStart

The Call Stack for the Thread 2336:
0 x0000000077a698ca (NTDLL) ZwWaitForSingleObject
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'tried to access is invalid address,
'(Address: 000007 fefd671318)
0 x000007fefd671318 (MSWSOCK) (the function name is not available)
0 x000007fefd6812d7 (MSWSOCK) WSPStartup
0 x000007fefead507c (WS2_32) select
0 x000007fefead4ffd (WS2_32) select
0 x000007feec079750 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_poll
0 x000007feec13b8a5 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_threads_set_shutting_down
0 x000007feec13c337 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_threads_set_shutting_down
0 x000007feec134ff8 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_threads_set_shutting_down
0 x000007feec134d86 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_threads_set_shutting_down
0 x000000007757570d (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0 x0000000077a5385d (NTDLL) RtlUserThreadStart

The Call Stack for the Thread 2164:
0 x0000000077a698ca (NTDLL) ZwWaitForSingleObject
0 x000007fefdfe10ac (KERNELBASE) WaitForSingleObjectEx
0 x000007feec085d58 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_conc_hashtable_remove
0 x000007feec136603 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_threads_set_shutting_down
0 x000000000860ae40 (Mono JIT Code) & lt; Unknown class> . ()
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'can't find the specified module,
'(Address: 0000000000000013)
ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed,
'(Address: 0000000000000013)
0 x0000000000000013 ((& lt; Unknown>) ) (the function - the name not available)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'can't find the specified module,
'(Address: 0000000020 c6b270)
ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed,
'(Address: 0000000020 c6b270)
0 x0000000020c6b270 ((& lt; Unknown>) ) (the function - the name not available)
0 x000007feec46e700 (mono - 2.0 - BDWGC) mono_opcodes
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'can't find the specified module,
'(Address: 0000000023 c1f250)
ERROR: SymGetModuleInfo64, GetLastError: 'dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed,
'(Address: 0000000023 c1f250)
0 x0000000023c1f250 ((& lt; Unknown>) ) (the function - the name not available)
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