Home > other >  Spark. History. The fs. Logdirectory under no log files
Spark. History. The fs. Logdirectory under no log files


Spark cluster structures, using a master, the two worker, under the root account./start - historyserver. Sh, the history of the web server can access, but run log is empty, Sparkspark - default. Conf configured to:
Spark. Executor. ExtraJavaOptions - XX: + PrintGCDetails Dkey=value - Dnumbers="one, two three"
Spark. The eventLog. Enabled true
The spark. The eventLog. Dir file:/TMP/sparkserverlog
# HDFS://master: 9000/historyserverforspark
Spark. Yarn. Historyserver. Address Master: 18080
The spark. History. The fs. LogDirectory file:/TMP/sparkserverlog

Spark. History. The fs. LogDirectory HDFS or file can't create a log file,

What are the possible reasons?

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