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Select clients that that don't have an event after a certain date


I have two tables involved in this situation:

(apologies if this is not the best way to give the structure, not really sure)


event_id int
event_type varchar
event_code varchar
event_value varchar
event_user int
event_client int
event_timestamp datetime


client_id int
client_name varchar
client_status int
client_developer int
client_designer int
client_manager int
client_location varchar
client_traffic int
client_implementations int
client_md_split int
client_skip_approval int
client_isolated_testing int
client_platform varchar
client_primary_metric varchar
client_clickup_id varchar
client_live_tests int

The events table obviously stores events that are occurring throughout a day, and clients contains a list of clients.

There is a particular event I am looking for the lack of. For this particular event the event_type would be taskUpdated and event_code would be needs approval (dev).

Currently I have a statement put together that will pull all clients that have gotten an event logged this week which seems to be working well, albeit extremely slow:

SELECT t1.event_id, t1.event_user, t1.event_client, t1.event_timestamp
FROM tools_events 
as t1 
WHERE t1.event_id = (
  SELECT t2.event_id 
  FROM tools_events 
  as t2 
  WHERE t2.event_type = 'taskUpdated' 
    AND t2.event_value = 'needs approval (dev)' 
    AND t2.event_client = t1.event_client 
    AND t2.event_timestamp >= '2022-04-04 00:00:00' 
  ORDER BY t2.event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1

What I'm looking for is a way to get the inverse of this. Short of pulling this list into PHP and cross referencing a full list of the clients to see which ones aren't there, I am unsure of how to tackle this in a SQL query.

On the other end, it seems that just getting a list of events that match the initial criteria seems to run pretty much instantly so perhaps it would be more efficient to just pull those and do all of the logic in PHP? My understanding as I am learning more in depth SQL is that oftentimes SQL is more efficient if you can optimize the query correctly which I don't think I am.

Any assistance in this even if it's a point in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

A simple way to negate a set of where clause predicates is to use NOT(...)

    , t1.event_user
    , t1.event_client
    , t1.event_timestamp
FROM tools_events AS t1
        t1.event_type = 'taskUpdated'
        AND t1.event_value = 'needs approval (dev)'
    AND t1.event_timestamp >= '2022-04-04 00:00:00'
ORDER BY t1.event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1

and your existing query could be simplified too:

    , t1.event_user
    , t1.event_client
    , t1.event_timestamp
FROM tools_events AS t1
WHERE t1.event_type = 'taskUpdated'
    AND t1.event_value = 'needs approval (dev)'
    AND t1.event_timestamp >= '2022-04-04 00:00:00'
ORDER BY t1.event_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1

You do not specify which database or version, but if your db/version support window functions such as row_number() then you might be able to get both records in one query like this:

    , event_user
    , event_client
    , event_timestamp
        , event_user
        , event_client
        , event_timestamp
        , row_number() OVER (
            PARTITION BY CASE WHEN event_type = 'taskUpdated'
                    AND event_value = 'needs approval (dev)' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
            ORDER BY event_timestamp DESC
            ) AS rn
    FROM tools_events
    WHERE event_timestamp >= '2022-04-04 00:00:00'
    ) AS d
WHERE rn = 1

this divdes the data into 2 "partitions" and for each of those the row with the latest event timestamp will get a row number of 1. So both wanted rows are returned in one query.

CodePudding user response:

Instead of Database query you have to handle this using PHP

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