Home > other >  From key dictionary, split into both two keys and values in python if regex is true
From key dictionary, split into both two keys and values in python if regex is true


I was trying to do some web scraping when I found out the next problem:

These are the nested dictionaries outputs from the links I searched for:

d1 = {'Gaia Project': {'Jugadores': '1 a 4', 'Duración': '60 – 150 minutos', 'Edad': '12 ', 'Dureza': '4.37', 'Precio': '59,46€', 'Género': 'Eurogame – Mayorías', 'Editorial': 'Maldito Games', 'Diseñador/a': 'Jens Drögemüller', 'Total': '8.5', 'Aspecto / Componentes': '8', 'Diversión': '8', 'Variabilidad': '9.5', 'Originalidad': '9', 'Mecánicas': '8.5', 'Nota de lectores10 Votos': '8.5'}}
d2 = {'Churchill': {'Jugadores': '1 a 3', 'Duración': '60 – 300 minutos', 'Edad': '14 ', 'Dureza': '3.28', 'Precio': '71,96€', 'Género': 'Eurogame – Construcción de Rutas, Económico.', 'Editorial': 'GMT Games\xa0/\xa0Devir', 'Diseñador/a': 'Mark Herman', 'Total': '8.9', 'Aspecto / Componentes': '8.1', 'Interacción': '9.7', 'Variabilidad': '8', 'Originalidad': '8.7', 'Mecánicas': '9.2'}}

As you can see in d1, the last category mentions:

'Nota de lectores10 Votos': '8.5'

I would like to split into both two keys and values, so the dict would be like this (see the end):

{'Gaia Project': {'Jugadores': '1 a 4', 'Duración': '60 – 150 minutos', 'Edad': '12 ', Dureza': '4.37', 'Precio': '59,46€', 'Género': 'Eurogame – Mayorías', 'Editorial': 'Maldito Games', 'Diseñador/a': 'Jens Drögemüller', 'Total': '8.5', 'Aspecto / Componentes': '8', 'Diversión': '8', 'Variabilidad': '9.5', 'Originalidad': '9', 'Mecánicas': '8.5', 'Nota de lectores': '8.5', 'N. Votes: 10 Votos'}}

This is what I tried:

pattern_votes= r' de lectores\d.*'
if key.startswith('Nota'): 
            lectores = category.split(pattern_votes)
            category.append(lectores[0],"N. Votes")

Where category would be 'N. Votes' and value '10 Votos'.

I also tried a if(filter(pattern_votes,d1)) but nothing happened aparently.

These are the lists from category and value respectively:

category = ['Jugadores', 'Duración', 'Edad', 'Dureza', 'Precio', 'Género', 'Editorial', 'Diseñador/a', 'Total', 'Aspecto / Componentes', 'Diversión', 'Variabilidad', 'Originalidad', 'Mecánicas', 'Nota de lectores10 Votos']

value = ['1 a 4', '60 – 150 minutos', '12 ', '4.37', '59,46€', 'Eurogame – Mayorías', 'Maldito Games', 'Jens Drögemüller', '8.5', '8', '8', '9.5', '9', '8.5', '8.5']

Thank you for any help!

EDIT As Kuldeep suggested, here is my code:

In the end, the string is what I tried but didn't work.

import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os
from collections import defaultdict

link = "https://mishigeek.com/gaia-project-resena-en-solitario/"
link2 = "https://mishigeek.com/churchill-resena-en-espanol-es-un-wargame/"
#def get_ratings(review):   
# Capturo la cabecera de la petición HTTP

def get_info(link):
    headers = requests.utils.default_headers()

             'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.82 Safari/537.36',

    # Me conecto a la url con .get()
    sitemap_soup = requests.get(link, headers=headers)
    if (sitemap_soup.ok==True):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_soup.text,features="html.parser")
        d= defaultdict(dict)
        otros=[] # Other set of category and values that will have to split.
        pattern = r'-resena.*$'
        pattern_votes= r' de lectores\d.*'
        # Mediante los bucle for, se buscan todos los valores que coincida con el soup.select
        for each_part in soup.select('figure[class*="wp-block-table"]'):
            for each_part in soup.select('tr'):
        split_items = (i.split(':') for i in otros[:8])
        category, value = zip(*split_items)
        category, value = map(list, (category, value))
        nombre = re.sub(pattern,'',os.path.basename(link[:-1])).replace('-', ' ').title()
        for each_part in soup.select('div[class*="lets-review-block lets-review-block__final-score"]'):
        for each_part in soup.select('div[class*="lets-review-block__crit__title lr-font-h"]'):
        for each_part in soup.select('div[class*="lets-review-block__crit__score"]'):
        for k in key:
           for c,v in zip(category,value):
        if key.startswith('Nota'): 
            lectores = category.split(pattern_votes)
            category.append(lectores[0],"N. Votos")

CodePudding user response:

Let's start from the smallest problem: How to split 'Nota de lectores10 Votos' into 'Nota de lectores' and '10 Votos'. My approach is to use the itertools library: Use takewhile to get the part before the first digit, and dropwhile for the part from the first digit on.

import itertools
def split_before_number(text):
    """Split text into 2 parts: before the first digit and the rest."""
    def not_digit(c):
        """Return True if character c is not a digit."""
        return not c.isdigit()
    before = ''.join(itertools.takewhile(not_digit, text))
    after = ''.join(itertools.dropwhile(not_digit, text))
    return before, after

Test it:

>>> split_before_number('Nota de lectores10 Votos')
('Nota de lectores', '10 Votos')

Next, I would like to address the problem of transforming a pair of key/value into 1 or 2 pairs:

# This pair 'Jugadores': '1 a 4'
# Becomes:  'Jugadores': '1 a 4'

# This pair: 'Nota de lectores10 Votos': '8.5'
# Becomes:   'Nota de lectores': '8.5'
# and        'N. Votes': '10 Votos'

The code for that:

def split_key_and_value(key, value):
    if not key.startswith("Nota"):
        yield key, value

    key1, value2 = split_before_number(key)
    yield key1, value
    yield "N. Votes", value2

Test it:

>>> dict(split_key_and_value('Nota de lectores10 Votos', "8.5"))
{'Nota de lectores': '8.5', 'N. Votes': '10 Votos'}

>>> dict(split_key_and_value("Jugadores", "1 a 4"))
{'Jugadores': '1 a 4'}

With those functions, we can now work on bigger problem: Tranforming the keys and values of d1's value, which I call v1:

def transform(dict_object):
    """Split some specific keys and values and form a new dict."""
    new_dict_object = {}
    for original_key, original_value in dict_object.items():
        for key, value in split_key_and_value(original_key, original_value):
            new_dict_object[key] = value
    return new_dict_object

Test it:

>>> d1 = {'Gaia Project': {'Jugadores': '1 a 4',
  'Duración': '60 – 150 minutos',
  'Edad': '12 ',
  'Dureza': '4.37',
  'Precio': '59,46€',
  'Género': 'Eurogame – Mayorías',
  'Editorial': 'Maldito Games',
  'Diseñador/a': 'Jens Drögemüller',
  'Total': '8.5',
  'Aspecto / Componentes': '8',
  'Diversión': '8',
  'Variabilidad': '9.5',
  'Originalidad': '9',
  'Mecánicas': '8.5',
  'Nota de lectores10 Votos': '8.5'}}

>>> v1 = d1["Gaia Project"]

>>> transform(v1)
{'Jugadores': '1 a 4',
 'Duración': '60 – 150 minutos',
 'Edad': '12 ',
 'Dureza': '4.37',
 'Precio': '59,46€',
 'Género': 'Eurogame – Mayorías',
 'Editorial': 'Maldito Games',
 'Diseñador/a': 'Jens Drögemüller',
 'Total': '8.5',
 'Aspecto / Componentes': '8',
 'Diversión': '8',
 'Variabilidad': '9.5',
 'Originalidad': '9',
 'Mecánicas': '8.5',
 'Nota de lectores': '8.5',
 'N. Votes': '10 Votos'}

Now that we can transform d1 value, we can apply that transformation on d1:

>>> d1 = {key: transform(value) for key, value in d1.items()}

>>> d1
{'Gaia Project': {'Jugadores': '1 a 4',
  'Duración': '60 – 150 minutos',
  'Edad': '12 ',
  'Dureza': '4.37',
  'Precio': '59,46€',
  'Género': 'Eurogame – Mayorías',
  'Editorial': 'Maldito Games',
  'Diseñador/a': 'Jens Drögemüller',
  'Total': '8.5',
  'Aspecto / Componentes': '8',
  'Diversión': '8',
  'Variabilidad': '9.5',
  'Originalidad': '9',
  'Mecánicas': '8.5',
  'Nota de lectores': '8.5',
  'N. Votes': '10 Votos'}}

CodePudding user response:

What are our steps:

  1. Iterate through all movies and their properties
  2. Find a property with specific name
  3. Extract number of votes
  4. Update properties

Let's implement it:

import re

pattern = r"Nota de lectores(\d ).*" # our pattern to match full key and extract number of votes

for movie, properties in movies.items(): # 1
    m = None
    for k, v in properties.items():
        if m := re.match(pattern, k): # 2, this syntax assumes python 3.8
    if m is not None:
        # 4
        del properties[m.group(0)] # remove old key
        properties["Nota de lectores"] = v # store previous value
        properties["Votes"] = m.group(1) # 3

Notice that we cannot update properties during looping over them as we cannot change dict size during iteration.

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