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CDN can access GenJin nearby


Mention the CDN, we look at the first countries to block chain for a series of related policies:
December 6, 1201 in printed and distributed by the State Council "" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" national informatization planning ", the block chain technology was first listed in the "national informatization planning,"

June 7, 2201 the People's Bank of China issued by the "China's financial information technology" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in "development plan", clearly put forward actively promote block chain, the application of the emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence research,

Seven years in August 3201, the State Council issued by the "about further expand and upgrade information consumption continues to release potential domestic demand guidance", emphasize again "improving the capacity of information technology services, personalized software, encourage the use of open source development based on block chain, the pilot application of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence",

In October of 4201, the seven years, the State Council general office issued "The General Office of the State Council on promoting innovation and application of supply chain guidance", which cited research using block chain, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, establish credit evaluation mechanism based on supply chain,

In May 5201 for eight years, industrial information department released "2018 China block chain industry development white paper", as the first official release of block chain industry white papers, it serves to show the government's emphasis on technology research and application of block chain
In August 2017, the People's Bank of China via the Internet financial risks triggered the rectification work leading group office "about further currency virtual currency trading venues such as rectification notice", will be based on block chain technology of the virtual currency and related trading places into Internet special financial risk,
In September the same year, the People's Bank of China and other seven ministries jointly issued the "notice for the issue of financing risk prevention tokens", clearly put forward the ICO is defined as "illegal public financing without approval, suspected of illegal sale of promissory notes, illegal securities issuance and illegal fund raising, financial fraud, pyramid schemes, such as illegal and criminal activities", comprehensive repel and domestic financing tokens and virtual currency trading business,
Because of block chain technology with decentralized distributed structure, in the field of Internet, content control difficult to handle, idle resources can actually understand the bottom for P2P technology to construct,
As we know, the CDN is content distribution network, is to make the Internet users in the recent distance to allow access to data, to solve the long-distance transmission, cross operator transmission caused by network delay, packet loss etc. Phenomenon, but also reduces the source station server outage risk caused by the load is too high, so now the CDN nodes are all connected to each city room, such as the Beijing users access to a web site, www.abc.com (the source station in shenzhen), to get the domain name under a picture of www.abc.com/jpg1, a CDN don't need to shenzhen room pull data, can be directly to pull data on CDN cache server in Beijing, greatly shorten the cross-regional access time,
Question, CDN edge node is put inside the operator room, this is about to rent the server, buy bandwidth, in order to ensure the node real-time online, needs to be equipped with 7 * 24 hours of the operations staff to ensure the network flow, cost is very high,
So can we make the CDN nodes near the user and then some, close to even nodes on the user's home, so take advantage of user redundant uplink bandwidth, also reduces the CDN node in the engine room of bandwidth costs, yes, the P2P technology, cow force technology from here, thunderbolt download times showed perfect advantages, for data transmission between the user and the user, the data buffer to the user's home, near users pull data went no further room pull data,
How the cache data to the user home, computer cache? Think that there is no guarantee that the node real-time online, then, with the advent of artificial intelligence, in your general real-time online, what other devices can be connected to the Internet? We mentioned the block chain in front of the virtual currency, virtual currency not to do, then the underlying resources are idle down, before selling flow box, dig and some friends should also bought a box, thinking can dig some money earned a little, so we can use these resources, and just said, with the advent of artificial intelligence, your home more or less should have bought one or two, so are all these devices for a long time online, of course, there are intelligent routing, b: I usually home router is never broken, don't know how you home of routing is used, these smart devices could be used as a storage device to completely, can also be understood as a peer of P2P technology points,
So I put these intelligent integrated hardware, by P2P technology, through the equipment storage, CPU, memory, and the uplink bandwidth, so the way I can completely as a cloud server, put together the resources, to each according to his need to make the cloud based on P2P, of course, can also be used as a CDN cache node, this cost is reduced a lot better, I build a website, also don't need to purchase a server, on the integration of intelligent hardware can,
Some friends may ask, how do you ensure that the underlying equipment in reach 7 * 24 hours, my answer is not guarantee all of the underlying equipment online, but I can guarantee that has enough equipment can provide for you, put a data on each device, a device hang up and other devices and content exists, why we mentioned at the beginning block chain, the chain of blocks is distributed to an account, distributed storage, this also can be applied here,
Now there is a problem, as we know, smart devices such as smart routers, his CPU, memory and storage is very limited, even if I have 1 g 10 g, 100 g file will not fit, I want to know what block chain, P2P technology friends should know that a single file can be scattered, 1 g file I split into 10, 100, 1000, each small document on 100100 or even ten thousand devices, the problem is not solved,
Such analysis, um, it can be made into a product, OK, then we can do,
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  • CDN
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