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Construct an object such that one field is the value type corresponding to another key field


Basically I need to derive a "Pair" type


type Pair<T extends Record<string, string | number>, K extends keyof T> = {
    field: K,
    value: T[K]

so that given

type Rabbit = {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    weight: number

I'd like to have:

let namePair: Pair<Rabbit, keyof Rabbit> = {
    field: 'name',
    value: 123 //this should fail

CodePudding user response:

You can use a generic type T which is a key of Rabbit.

type RabbitPair<T extends keyof Rabbit> = {
    rabbitField: T
    rabbitValue: Rabbit[T]

let field1 : RabbitPair<"name"> = { rabbitField: 'name', rabbitValue: 'Johnny'}
let field2 : RabbitPair<"age"> = { rabbitField: 'age', rabbitValue: 14}
let field3 : RabbitPair<"weight"> = { rabbitField: 'weight', rabbitValue: 'This is not a number'}

function test<T extends keyof Rabbit>(t: RabbitPair<T>){}

  rabbitField: "age",
  rabbitValue: 23 // fails if there is string here

The solution doesn't work perfectly for arrays though:

const arr: RabbitPair<keyof Rabbit>[] = []

  rabbitField: "name",
  rabbitValue: "value" // numbers work here too, but nothing else

function push_rabbit<T extends keyof Rabbit>(t: RabbitPair<T>){

  rabbitField: "name",
  rabbitValue: "value" // numbers don't work here

CodePudding user response:

You can declare pair as a mapped type that maps each key to a corresponding pair object:

type Pair<T extends Record<string, string | number>> =
  {[K in keyof T]: {field: K, value:T[K]}}[keyof T]

If you apply it to Rabbit, the result is a union of pairs:

type Test = Pair<Rabbit>
// {field: "name", value: string} | {field: "age", value: number} | {field: "weight", value: number}

This should give you the desired behavior on single pair declarations:

const namePair: Pair<Rabbit> = { field: 'name', value: "Bob" } // ok

const weightPair: Pair<Rabbit> = { field: 'weight', value: 250 } // ok

const badPair: Pair<Rabbit> = { field: 'name', value: 606} // fails

And it works on arrays as well:

const arr: Pair<Rabbit>[] = []

arr.push({ field: "name", value: "Bob" }) // ok

arr.push({ field: "weight", value: 250 }) // ok

arr.push({ field: "name", value: 606 }) // fails

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