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VBA for Outlook 2016, accessing Reminders - Runtime error '-2147024809 (80070057)'


Small Outlook macro that enables or disables an email rule when a named appointment reminder fires.

The auto-enable and auto-disable parts are working correctly, but I am running into a problem when I try to auto-dismiss the reminder afterwards. I get a runtime error '-2147024809 (80070057)' with olRemind(i).Dismiss highlighted.

I am pretty sure it is throwing an error because the reminder hasn't actually shown up in the list of reminders yet. However, when I check ?olRemind(i) in the Immediate window it does return the correct caption (TEST). So it seems like the reminder both does and does not exist?

When I halt code execution, the reminder pops up and the email rule is auto-enabled (or disabled), so I know the rest of the code is working fine.

My hypothesis is that I need to refresh either the list of Reminder objects or the application itself (something similar to Excel's Application.ScreenUpdating), which is why I called DoEvents, but no dice. I couldn't find another method or property that does this in Outlook.

Public WithEvents olRemind As Outlook.Reminders

Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
    Set olRemind = Outlook.Reminders
    Dim i As Integer

    If Item.MessageClass <> "IPM.Appointment" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Item.Subject = "Enable TEST" Then
        Call OnOffRunRule("TEST", True, False)
        'Wait 5 seconds
        Wait (5)
        'Dismiss reminder
        For i = olRemind.Count To 1 Step -1
            If olRemind(i).Caption = "Enable TEST" Then
            End If
    End If

    If Item.Subject = "Disable TEST" Then
        Call OnOffRunRule("TEST", False, False)
        'Wait 5 seconds
        Wait (5)
        'Dismiss reminder
        Application.Reminders("Disable TEST").Dismiss
    End If
End Sub 'Application_Reminder

'Enable or disable a rule
Sub OnOffRunRule(RuleName As String, Enable As Boolean, Optional blnExecute As Boolean = True)
    Dim olRules As Outlook.Rules
    Dim olRule As Outlook.Rule
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Set olRules = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules
    Set olRule = olRules.Item(RuleName)
    If Enable Then olRule.Enabled = True Else olRule.Enabled = False
    If blnExecute Then olRule.Execute ShowProgress:=True
    Set olRules = Nothing
    Set olRule = Nothing
End Sub 'OnOffRunRule

As you can see I tried two different methods for dismissing the reminder ("Enable TEST" vs. "Disable TEST"). Both triggered the same runtime error.

Please ignore the Wait (5) call, that just loops DoEvents until 5 seconds from the current time.

Apologies if duplicate, I spent several days searching and couldn't find the specific issue I'm having here. Most are Excel-specific.

CodePudding user response:

The error is MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER. Try to set Item.ReminderSet = false instead of calling Reminder.Dismiss.

You will probably be better off using Reminders.BeforeReminderShow event (where Reminders comes from Application.Reminders) - you can set the Cancel parameter passed to your event handler to true.

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