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How to loop inside loop in list with raster?


I have the spatial dataset below. It is composed by points in space that constitute tracks made by each ID (e.g. individual animal) and SUB-IDS (route simulations for invidual animal).


ids <- c("844", "844", "844", "844", "844","844", "844", "844", "844", "844",
        "844", "844", "845", "845", "845", "845", "845","845", "845", "845", 
        "845","845", "845", "845")
sub_ids <- c("2017_844_1", "2017_844_1", "2017_844_1", "2017_844_1", "2017_844_2",
        "2017_844_2", "2017_844_2", "2017_844_2", "2017_844_3", "2017_844_3",
        "2017_844_3", "2017_844_3", "2017_845_1", "2017_845_1", "2017_845_1", 
        "2017_845_1", "2017_845_2","2017_845_2", "2017_845_2", "2017_845_2", 
        "2017_845_3","2017_845_3", "2017_845_3", "2017_845_3")
lat <- c(-30.6456, -29.5648, -27.6667, -31.5587, -30.6934, -29.3147, -23.0538, 
         -26.5877, -26.6923, -23.40865, -23.1143, -23.28331, -31.6456, -24.5648, 
         -27.6867, -31.4587, -30.6784, -28.3447, -23.0466, -27.5877, -26.8524, 
         -23.8855, -24.1143, -23.5874)
long <- c(-50.4879, -49.8715, -51.8716, -50.4456, -50.9842, -51.9787, -41.2343, 
          -40.2859, -40.19599, -41.64302, -41.58042, -41.55057, -50.4576, -48.8715, 
          -51.4566, -51.4456, -50.4477, -50.9937, -41.4789, -41.3859, -40.2536, 
          -41.6502, -40.5442, -41.4057)
df <- tibble(ids, sub_ids, lat, long)

#converting ​to sf
df.sf <- df %>% 
 ​sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326)

I also have a sf grid created from points:

#creating grid
xy <- sf::st_coordinates(df.sf)

grid = sf::st_make_grid(sf::st_bbox(df.sf),
                       ​cellsize = .1, square = FALSE) %>%
 ​sf::st_as_sf() %>%
 ​dplyr::mutate(cell = 1:nrow(.)) 

loop1 inside mylist[[j]]: The idea is to generate a rasterlayer for each SUB ID containing number of points per cell and add these layers in rasterbrick object, calculate the rasterbrick average and resulting in 1 rasterlayer .

loop2 inside mylist: Doing this process inside each list element, creating 1 rasterlayer to each ID, and again add the resulting rasterlayers into a rasterbrick to calculate the average and get a single rasterlayer.

#creating rasters objects
r <- raster::raster(grid, res=0.1)
rr <- raster::brick(r)
rr2 <- raster::brick(r)   

df.sf$ids <- as.factor(df.sf$ids)
mylist <- split(df.sf, df.sf$ids) #list to each ID

 for(j in 1:length(unique(mylist))){
for(i in 1:length(unique(mylist[[j]]$sub_ids))) {
   output1[j]<- stackApply(addLayer(rr,rasterize(subset(mylist[[j]], 
                        sub_ids == unique(mylist[[j]]$sub_ids)[i]), 
                                 y = r, 
                                 field = 1, 
                                 background = 0,
                                 fun="count")), indices =  rep(1,nlayers(rr)), 
                   fun = "mean", na.rm = T) 1 
output2 <- stackApply(addLayer(rr2, output1[j]), indices =  rep(1,nlayers(rr2)), 
                fun = "mean", na.rm = T) }}

I tried with for() as shown above but this error is occurring:

Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : 
  erro na avaliação do argumento 'x' na seleção do método para a função 'nlayers': 'operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types'
In addition: Warning message:
In x@data@values[i] <- value :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

EDIT: process of each subset by one ID

############## ID 844

#subset one ID
id.844 <- subset(df.sf,df.sf$ids=="844")
id.844$sub_ids <- as.factor(id.844$sub_ids)

#subset SUB IDS
id.844.1 <- subset(id.844, id.844$sub_ids=="2017_844_1")
id.844.2 <- subset(id.844, id.844$sub_ids=="2017_844_2")
id.844.3 <- subset(id.844, id.844$sub_ids=="2017_844_3")

output1 <- raster::rasterize(x = id.844.1, 
                             y = r, 
                             field = 1, 
                             background = 0,
output2 <- raster::rasterize(x = id.844.2, 
                             y = r, 
                             field = 1, 
                             background = 0,
#SUB ID 3 
output3 <- raster::rasterize(x = id.844.3, 
                             y = r, 
                             field = 1, 
                             background = 0,

#joining rasters SUB IDS
rasterbrick<- raster::brick(output1, output2, output3)

#mean ID 1
result.id1 <- raster::stackApply(rasterbrick, 
                                 indices =  rep(1,nlayers(rasterbrick)), 
                                 fun = "mean", na.rm = T)

CodePudding user response:


build_raster_mean <- function(sub_df) {
  rasterize_list <- by(
    function(sub_id_df) raster::rasterize(
      x = sub_id_df, y = r, field=1, background = 0, fun='count'
  rasterize_list2 <- unlist(rasterize_list, recursive=F)
  raster_brick <- raster::writeRaster(brick(rasterize_list2), 
                              names(rasterize_list2), bylayer=TRUE,
  raster_mean <- raster::stackApply(
    indices = rep(1,nlayers(raster_brick)), 
    fun = "mean", 
    na.rm = TRUE

#loop in list 
raster_mean_list <- purrr::map(mylist, build_raster_mean)

#new raster brick with IDS mean
raster_mean_brick <- raster::writeRaster(brick(raster_mean_list), 
                                 names(raster_mean_list), bylayer=TRUE,
#rasterlayer with average final
raster_mean_final <- raster::stackApply(raster_mean_brick , 
                            indices = rep(1,nlayers(raster_mean_brick)), 
                            fun = "mean", 
                            na.rm = TRUE)

CodePudding user response:

Consider generalizing your process with a user-defined function, then pass into the method subsets with a nested by, the object_oriented wrapper to tapply where you split a data frame by factor(s) then pass subsets into a function and largely synonymous to split lapply. Use do.call to combine raster bricks.

build_raster_mean <- function(sub_df) {
    rasterize_list <- by(
        function(sub_id_df) raster::rasterize(
            x = sub_id_df, y = r, field = 1, background = 0, fun="count"
        simplify = FALSE
    ) |> `attributes<-`(NULL)

    raster_brick <- do.call(raster::brick, rasterize_list)
    raster_mean <- raster::stackApply(
        indices = rep(1,nlayers(raster_brick)), 
        fun = "mean", 
        na.rm = TRUE

raster_mean_list <- by(
    df.sf, df.sf$ids, build_raster_mean, simplify=FALSE
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