Want to take advantage of the Unity in the implementation of the scene of a physical model fade-in, fade-in here not through transparency to achieve overall fade-in, but a similar game sword hilt appeared to tip percentages fade-in, strives for the great god assists, grateful
CodePudding user response:
Shader "Custom/Fade - FadeIn" {
The Properties {
_MainTex (" Base (RGB), "2 d)=" white "{}
_Rate (" Rate ", the Range (0.1, 1))=1
Cull Off
Tags {" RenderType "=" Geometry "}
Tags {" LightMode "=" ForwardBase "}
# pragma vertex vert
# pragma fragments frag
# include "UnityCG. Cginc
Uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
Uniform float4 _MainTex_ST;
Uniform float _Rate;
Struct v2f
Float4 pos: SV_POSITION;
Float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;
V2f vert (appdata_full v)
V2f o;
V.v ertex. * y=_Rate;
O.p OS=the mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.v ertex);
V.t excoord. * y=_Rate;
O.u v=v.t excoord. Y * _MainTex_ST. Y + _MainTex_ST. Zw;
The return o;
Fixed4 frag (v2f I) : SV_Target
Fixed3 Albedo=tex2D (_MainTex, i.u v). The RGB.
Return fixed4 (Albedo, 1.0);
Don't know if you want the effect
CodePudding user response:
reference 1st floor Hey_Mill response: Shader "Custom/Fade - FadeIn" { The Properties { _MainTex (" Base (RGB), "2 d)=" white "{} _Rate (" Rate ", the Range (0.1, 1))=1 } SubShader { Cull Off Tags {" RenderType "=" Geometry "} Pass { Tags {" LightMode "=" ForwardBase "} CGPROGRAM # pragma vertex vert # pragma fragments frag # include "UnityCG. Cginc " Uniform sampler2D _MainTex; Uniform float4 _MainTex_ST; Uniform float _Rate; Struct v2f { Float4 pos: SV_POSITION; Float2 uv: TEXCOORD0; }; V2f vert (appdata_full v) { V2f o; V.v ertex. * y=_Rate; O.p OS=the mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.v ertex); V.t excoord. * y=_Rate; O.u v=v.t excoord. Y * _MainTex_ST. Y + _MainTex_ST. Zw; The return o; } Fixed4 frag (v2f I) : SV_Target { Fixed3 Albedo=tex2D (_MainTex, i.u v). The RGB. Return fixed4 (Albedo, 1.0); } ENDCG } } } Don't know if you want the effect of Thank you, this is a Java code, first I see don't quite understand, I try to study with c #, CodePudding user response:
This is the Shader, you create a Shder program in U3D directly, delete the contents, the paste me go in and then create a corresponding material is ok, CodePudding user response:
reference Hey_Mill reply: 3/f this is the Shader, you create a Shder program in U3D directly, delete the contents, the paste me go in and then create a corresponding material, Ok, thanks, I try, not how to contact the shader,,, forgive me CodePudding user response:
Using the object and the distance of the camera, you can use simple interpolation to the fragment shader modify gl_FragColor. The value of a (transparent) CodePudding user response:
references to 3 floor _ yukio okamoto, reply: this is the Shader, you create a Shder program in U3D directly, delete the contents, the paste me go in and then create a corresponding material, you this not line, I got a try, you are the direct compression mapping