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Party a company informatization construction project quality management method


Some party a company
Informatization construction project quality management method (first draft)
(20 xx years revision)

The first chapter the general
Article 1 with a view to strengthening the company informatization construction process control of the project, ensure project quality management content, responsibility and guarantee measures to promote the informationization construction of user satisfaction of the project, the management measures,
Referred to in article 2: these measures for the administration of the quality of management, is refers to the company to determine its quality objectives, to establish and implement quality management system effectively, to ensure that the technology, affecting the quality of information construction project management and human factors under control, all of the control should be to reduce and eliminate the unqualified, especially to prevent unqualified, and establish and improve the mechanism of the continuous quality improvement,
Article 3 the present measures for the administration of applicable to the company and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as party a) the information construction of related projects, through a variety of management methods to circumvent the risk of project quality, solve the problem of project quality, improve the quality of the project, to ensure that the project can meet predetermined quality standards,

The second chapter quality management content
Article 4 in order to achieve quality management, project quality management is divided into the following four aspects:
(a) to formulate quality standard, on the basis of the quality of the project construction goal setting corresponding standards;
(2) to monitor the quality situation, combined with prior to develop quality standards, continuing to analyze the quality of the project and discrimination, and to form the corresponding quality report;
(3) to prevent quality risk, according to the project work, take the corresponding management measures, such as the relevant technical plan review, test case review and strengthen test, etc., in order to avoid appeared in the process of project construction quality risk;
(4) disposal of quality problems, when project quality problems occur, it should be based on the actual situation of the project, together with the project supplier (hereinafter referred to as party b) analyze the question reason, given the corresponding disposal measures and supervise the execution,

The third chapter formulate quality standard
Article 5 in order to be able to in the product quality management more effective, more targeted, at the same time, to be responsible for the project of the construction of the party b to provide more specific quality objectives of the project team, party a should be before the start of the project construction project team from the function, performance, stability, security and document to several aspects, such as comprehensive evaluation of the overall situation of construction project, make clear, easy to manage, easy to track the project quality standard,
Article 6 function class quality standard: refers to the final project need to implement the function of the scope and requirements, mainly contains two aspects: one is the product function should satisfy all the business requirements described in the functional requirements; Second, the product features in ease of use, availability, to meet the demand of party a business personnel, for key business functions, before starting the construction team shall require party b gives a high-fidelity demonstration prototype, for party a business personnel to understand the function of the operation, showing the aspects of content, so that party a team before the start of the construction work can give the use of specific requirements,
Article 7 class quality performance standards: refers to the final project needs to be run for each performance index on the production environment, these indicators mainly comes from the business requirements of the non-functional requirements on performance requirements, mainly contains the software response time, throughput, concurrency and resource utilization performance indicators, such as for party b team, standard belongs to this type of rigid standards, is the construction requirement of its anyway need to achieve,
Article 8 stable class quality standard: refers to the final project needs to reach for operation on the production environment, meet the needs of business, continuous failure-free operation time, the trouble-free operation time should be clear requirements in the non-functional requirements, common have 5 * 8 (run continuously 8 hours a day, five days a week, 8 hours or days normal operation), etc.,
Article 9 of the safety class quality standard: refers to the software when external malicious attack, software can continue to work normally or prevent file, data have been tampered with or ability to steal, under normal circumstances, the project safety standards can be the stipulations in the "information security rank protection measures for the administration of" based on the classification of safety grade five, combining project construction, put forward a more concrete, more specific safety requirements,
Article 10 document class quality standard: refers to a list of documents shall be established in the process of project construction and its headcount requirements, before the start of the project construction, should be accordance with the requirements of related to the management of party a, in combination with the project construction to put forward specific documentation standards, among them, the main quality standards related document contains the following three aspects: one is required for the project are given a list of documents; 2 it is through the document template or text description is given to each document preparation requirements; 3 it is through the work plan to clear the beginning of each document, completion date,

The fourth chapter quality monitoring
Article 11 the project manager of party a to monitor the quality of quality through the following several ways:
(a) daily work communication will, through the work communication, project manager of party a party b timely to team building work situation, on the one hand can distinguish whether it will cause quality risk or quality problem, on the other hand, is found to have quality risk or follow the solution of the quality problem;
(2) party b's working plan or code review, by party b team software implementation scheme or software code review, the project manager of party a can be intuitive grasp the quality of the software products;
(3) of the software test, through various types of testing work, the project manager of party a can make full and comprehensive grasp to the quality of the software product,
Article 12. The project manager of party a if found quality problems in the process of quality testing or quality risk, should be in the project quality table will be recorded, and through the table to track the corresponding disposal work, project quality table mainly include the following contents: quality problem or risk, the corresponding solutions, processing plan, progress and the results confirm that

The fifth chapter quality risk prevention
Article 13 the project manager of party a in project quality management should consider how to use the corresponding management means more possibility to reduce the quality risk, take the initiative to prevent quality risk, rather than wait for after the passive and solve quality problems,
Article 14 to strengthen the business needs to learn: business requirements is all project construction goal and the work foundation, can through the following ways to strengthen party b project team learning and understanding of business requirements: one is invited business department related colleagues to team members for party b to explain in detail the business requirements; 2 it is to require party b team members after have full understanding on demand, demand to party a's project manager and business department personnel speak,
Article 15 attaches great importance to the relevant working review: the implementation scheme and the design of product documentation is party b's project team after carried on the thorough analysis of the demand for business and project construction thought and implementation method, is the specific construction of subsequent work on paper preview, the project manager of party a in the review, the need to be targeted to invite relevant experts, such as the specification review, should invite business and technical related experts; Framework on technical plan, database design and product design review, relevant experts can only invite technology; The software prototype review, should give priority to with business related personnel, etc.,
Article 16 cling to software testing work: the project manager of party a can be based on specific circumstances and quality standards of the project, team to request party b, the third party testing institutions to carry out the corresponding testing work team and the party a, in order to achieve the desired quality management requirements, in the process of testing the following test shall require the parties to abide by the principle:
(a) testing should be performed as early as possible;
(2) to remove the unit test, the test work should be made by professional testing or third party agencies responsible for;
(3) the test cases are based on the requirements specifications, should be included when compiling normal and abnormal situation, to the handling of various boundary conditions at the same time, special circumstances to create extreme condition and accident condition, test cases must be through the corresponding review;
(4) to carry out a validation process, the result of the error should be generally by the double cross validation, serious or affect a larger error can be special review meeting for discussion and analysis, the result of the test will be strictly confirmed;
(5) pay attention to safety, performance and documentation such as non-functional testing work;
(6) to ensure that the test of time, in a short period of time is unable to complete a quality testing;
(7) keep test cases, the error of statistics and final test reports, working for the subsequent operations to provide convenient,

Chapter 6 quality problem disposal
Article 17 of the disposal of the quality problem can use the following steps: one is the cause of the in-depth analysis problem, determine problem type and damage degree; 2 it is solution is provided for party b to the project team and adjusted to review the work plan; Three is to supervise party b solution for implementation of the project team,
Article 18 function class quality problem: need to pay attention to the following points: one is to produce on the reason and influence range have a clear understanding, on the basis of establishing feasible disposal scheme; Second, in based on the analysis of the causes for the problem, consider the corresponding aversion means, in order to prevent the recurrence of the same type, common disposal process is as follows:
(a) party b team, the author analyzes the reasons of the problem and its influence scope;
(2) is given in the form of a written request party b team feasible solution, to modify the code list should include;
(3) submitted by party a to party b team to review the solution, only after passing the review can carry out the implementation of the follow-up work;
(4) party b team in accordance with the solution plan to modify the software and if necessary also to relevant project documents, such as technology solutions, implementation plan, work plan, etc., to adjust;
(5) party a is responsible for the supervision and the solution of execution, and organize relevant personnel to modify all the points and verify correlation function;
(6) based on the causes of the problem, analysis of other similar function, prevent errors from happening again, same type
Article 19 the performance class quality problem: need to grasp the following principles: one is can't change the software of the existing function; The second is to avoid the software architecture and software code to adjust; Three is a priority to improve performance by means of enhance the hardware configuration, can use the following methods:
(a) strengthen the hardware configuration, the budget allows, and will not affect the existing software structure;
(2) reduce the software to Taiwan before and after interaction, by reducing the number of interaction to promote efficiency, but need to redesign related functions, and the function of the software structure will cause great influence;
(3) the optimization logic algorithm, through the way of the improved algorithm complexity, to improve the running speed, this way to the relevant personnel of ability the demand is higher, and need to have big changes to the code;
(4) to optimize the database and query SQL, by creating the index and optimization methods such as SQL, increase the efficiency of data query, query time, thereby improving the overall performance,
Article 20 class stable quality problem: disposal should follow the following principles: for inevitable problems, first of all, the cause of the problem in-depth analysis, secondly on the basis of the results of the analysis to carry on the corresponding processing, in order to prevent the same type of problem from happening again; For accidental problem, because the cause of the problem not clear, so party a can be formulated on the basis of reflection of corresponding prevention, stop measures, so as to reduce the effects of the problem of software, can use the following methods:
(a) software product related server on architecture should adopt the form of hot standby of two, so when a server fails, another server can continue to provide services, effectively ensure the continuity of services;
(2) the database should be used in hot standby technology, can effectively protect the data from the failure, disaster, the influence of errors and crashes;
(3) on a regular basis for related hardware and software environment for inspection, maintenance and upgrading work, to ensure the stability of running environment related;
(4) refactoring of the software architecture, so as to build a more robust architecture system,
Article 21 the safety class quality problem: it is usually possible to take the following steps: one is to suspend foreign software products of all services, in order to avoid further losses; Second, this paper analyzes the reasons of problems and to assess the influence of the problem; 3 it is according to the project actual situation, combined with the corresponding analysis results give feasible solutions; Four is to supervise the implementation of the project team of party b, and the final results; Five is through the backup file to restore the corresponding data, and restart the foreign service, party a in the disposal of the security problem, you can follow the following methods:
(a) to strengthen the key data encryption process;
(2) enhance access control;
(3) strengthen the user authentication;
(4) data encryption;
(5) with the aid of external hardware, or increase the related hardware safety equipment, such as fortress machine, etc.;
(6) with the aid of external forces, can with the help of a professional third party security services, to provide a safe overall solution;
(7) on a regular basis to the operating system, application software upgrade, prevent system vulnerabilities affect the safety of the software,
Article 22 the document class quality problems: mainly manifested in two aspects: one is unable to provide documentation standards required in the related documents; The second is the document content do not agree with the actual working condition, for the project manager of party a, its on this type of quality problem disposal, can according to the actual situation of the project to adopt corresponding disposal scheme, specific as follows:
(a) clear documentation of those responsible for document responsibility is not clear, the team should require party b to specific persons responsible, responsible for the relevant documents by the modification, maintenance;
(2) the document modification plan, to modify document, not immediately can through the way of modification plan, to make the relevant modification work is in a state of manageable;
(3) prepare a list of the information changes, should be required by party b team prepare a list of the information change way to record all the content of the information change, to ensure that the change of information can be timely, accurately transmitted to all team members, and to provide reference for other work,

Chapter 7 bylaw
Article 23 the administrative rules shall take effect as of the date of issued, information technology, by the company shall be responsible for the interpretation,

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