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Caught a necessary knowledge


(a) commonly used network command Windows environment introduction
(1) the IP address and Ethernet card hardware address check command: ipconfig
(2) the network connection test command: ping
(3) address resolution command: ARP
(4) the file transfer command: FTP
(5) according to protocol and port information and current TCP/IP network connections: Netstat
(6) routing tracking order: Tracert
(7) remote login command: Telnet
(1) the ipconfig command
Ipconfig command should be the most basic command, the main function is to show users within the host IP configuration information such as material,
Its main parameters are:
1, all: show all details associated with TCP/IP protocol, including the test host name, IP address, subnet mask, the node type, whether to enable IP routing, network card physical address, default gateway, etc.,
2, renew all: update all adapter configuration of communication situation, all the test start,
3, release all: release all adapter configuration of communication situation,
Number 4, renew n: update n adapter configuration of communication situation, all the test start,
For example: C: \ & gt; Ipconfig, according to the following
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter local connection:
Connection - specific DNS Suffix. :
IP Address............ :
Subnet configures Mask............ :
The Default Gateway.......... :
(2) the ping command
PING command is a very important and commonly used in the network command, is mainly used to test the network is connected, the command by sending a ICMP (Internet control message protocol) response to see if it connected with each other, usually we used to test whether the target host can connect, or can be judged by TTL value each other's version of the operating system,
Commonly used parameter description: - a - t - r
Used, for example:
The name Ping Ping wangluo21//get the computer IP
Ping Ping IP address - a get computer name
The Ping Ping domain name www.ecjtu.jx.cn
For example, if you want to test you and IP address machine is connected, you can use this command: ping, if connected will be returned as follows:
C: \ & gt; Ping
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
The Reply from bytes=32 time<1 ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent=4, Received=4, Lost=0 loss (0%),
Approximate round trip times in milli - seconds:
Minimum=0 ms, Maximum=0, ms business=0 ms
If not connected, it will return a timeout:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
The Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent=4, Received=0, Lost=4 loss (100%),
So it shows that you and the computer network impassability, perhaps each other not to get to the Internet, or install a firewall,
In the local area network (LAN), if it's working group on the same machine, you can ping the IP address of the name of the other side of the machine for each other,
- t can uninterrupted send a machine package
-l package can also send the package to set the maximum size parameters, so that similar sentences have the function of DoS, floods in the hacking attacks, a maximum of 65500, such as:
C: \ & gt; Ping - t - 65500
lBecause -t parameters, ping command itself is not going to stop, so we can use the Ctrl + C to terminate the command, the ping command and some other parameters, please refer to help yourself,
(3) the Arp command
Display and modify the address resolution protocol (ARP) by the use of IP to Ethernet or token ring physical address translation table, the order only after the installation of the TCP/IP protocol are available,
Arp -a [inet_addr] [-n [if_addr]]
Arp -d inet_addr [if_addr]
Arp -s inet_addr ether_addr [if_addr]

- a (or g) : by asking the TCP/IP display the current ARP entry, if you specify the inet_addr, display only the computer's IP and physical address specified,
Inet_addr: to add a decimal tag to specify the IP address,
- N: display by if_addr the specified network interface ARP,
If_addr: specify the need to modify the address translation table interface IP address (if any), if not, the first applicable interface will be used,
- d: delete items designated by the inet_addr,
-s: add items in the ARP cache, ether_addr inet_addr IP address and physical address, physical address by given six hexadecimal bytes separated by a hyphen, using decimal with point specifies the IP address, item is permanent, namely expire timeouts consequent automatically deleted from the cache, ether_addr: specify the physical address,
(4) the FTP command
FTP command is a file transfer command, this command can transfer files between the two interconnected machine, the common FTP software is the same with us, but our software is usually GUI (visual) interface, but it is the order type and format is as follows:
FTP [v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [- g] [-s: filename] [-] a [- w: windowsize] [computer]
Parameter interpretation
- v: ban shows that the remote server response,
- n: disable automatic login to the initial connection,
- I: multiple file transfer when close the interactive prompt,
- d: enable debugging, show that passed between the client and the server all FTP commands,
- g: disable the file name set, it allows in a local file and path names use wildcard characters (* and?) , -s: filename: contains the text of the FTP command specified file; When FTP starts, these commands will be run automatically, no Spaces are allowed in this parameter, use the switch rather than redirect (& gt; ),
- a: use any local interface when binding data connection,
- w: windowsize: replace the default size of 4096 transmit buffer,
Computer: specify the Computer to connect to the remote Computer name or IP address, if specified, the Computer must be the last parameter,
FTP command is mainly online file transfer, its child command is very much, we choose some of the major, generally after the command prompt enter the FTP, open the following interface:
C: \ & gt; FTP
Then we input commands are in "ftp>" Later, that is to say, after we enter the FTP command, so we have entered the FTP platform, all operations are based on FTP, if we want to open a has opened FTP server on the network, then we can log in to the server, and then upload/download files, sometimes we are can only download permissions, so we can't upload, this depending on your permissions,
If we want to open an FTP server, so we can enter the FTP platform:
Open the host IP port
For example: ftp> Open 21, then will show the following effects:
C: \ & gt; FTP
Ftp> The open
Connected to
220 Serv -u FTP Server v4.2 for WinSock ready...
The User ( none)) :
Here we need to input the user name, if is the other side of the server supports anonymous, then we can input, such as FTP user, such as:
The User ( none)) : FTP
331 User name okay, both please send complete E-mail address as password.
The FTP password is input, will be displayed on the success, is as follows:
Password: * * *
230 - (welcome to FTP192.168.0.39 server!
230 User logged in, proceed.
Show 230 representative on behalf of the log in successfully, and if show other, such as 530, it is the user name or password mistake, logon failure,
After landing can use some commands, including the upload/download, executing external commands, etc., all the commands to get the FTP, you can type the help command, all its command list as follows: ftp> Help
We put the commonly used commands explain:
1. ! : perform an FTP platform external commands, such as:! CLS, it will clear the screen,
2. Delete: delete a file, such as in your current under the root directory of the FTP a dir1-name. TXT file, you need to delete it, enter the delete dir1-name. TXT,
3. Ls: list some file list, and now the command is a command under Unix/Linux, main is to list the files in the directory, regardless of the folder
4. Put: from the local computer to upload a file to the FTP server,
For example: put CMD. Exe, so will the current directory or CMD. Exe FTP server 5. In the current directory, the command is the most commonly used,
6. ASCII: this command can make the upload file is in ASCII to transmit,
7. Get: this command is used, but also download other files on the FTP server to your current directory, such as: get CMD. Exe, will be put on the FTP server
8. CMD. The exe file downloads to the current directory,
9. Mdelete/rmdir: deleting a directory/folder, such as: mdelete a, so the folder will be deleted,
10. The PWD: show the current in the FTP directory, equivalent to display the current path, for example:
Ftp> The PWD
257 "/SOFTWARE/safe_tools" is current directory.
11. The quit/bye: end of the current FTP connection, and exit the FTP,
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