Home > other >  find specific word in a string function is acting... odd (javascript)
find specific word in a string function is acting... odd (javascript)


Alright, so I have this function that is suppose to log a specific word it finds in a string into the console. But it kinda... yeah it don't work.

function foo(input) {
  for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i  ) {
    const character = input[i]
    // To make sure it doesnt always get 
    // the very first blank space I do the following \/ (I think this is the trouble area)
    const word = input.substring(i, input.substring(i, input.length).indexOf(' '))
    if (word == "foo bar") {
      console.log("worked!") // <- currently does not fire
      // word should only print "foo bar" without linebreaks
foo("  foo bar  ");

I don't even know how to explain what is happening. But I am sure this scary image will give you an idea.

web browser console

the expected output, with some line breaks above or below, is:
"foo "
"foo b"
"foo ba"
"foo bar"

ALSO keep it mind that this does not work with or without line breaks (I testing both) and I would like it to work with both.


// single line (does not work)
foo("  foo bar   ")

// line breaks (does not work)
    foo bar

CodePudding user response:

Define word out of the for loop... And add the current character to it at each iteration.

const input = "foo bar"

function foo(input) {
  let word = ""  // Define it out of the loop
  for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i  ) {
    const character = input[i]
    word  = character  // add the current loop character here
    if (word == "foo bar") {
      console.log("worked!") // <- is firing now


From comment:

if I have the string "This is a foo bar lalalalala" I want to get just the "foo bar" part.

Then using match would be the way.

const input = "This is a foo bar lalalalala"

function foo(input) {
  let match = input.match(/foo bar/)

  if (match) {
    console.log("worked!") // <- is firing now


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