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Random Numbers Are Too Similar To Each Other?


I am using this code that generates 3 random numbers that add to 72:

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24845909/generate-n-random-integers-that-sum-to-m-in-r
rand_vect <- function(N, M, sd = 1, pos.only = TRUE) {
    vec <- rnorm(N, M/N, sd)
    if (abs(sum(vec)) < 0.01) vec <- vec   1
    vec <- round(vec / sum(vec) * M)
    deviation <- M - sum(vec)
    for (. in seq_len(abs(deviation))) {
        vec[i] <- vec[i <- sample(N, 1)]   sign(deviation)
    if (pos.only) while (any(vec < 0)) {
        negs <- vec < 0
        pos  <- vec > 0
        vec[negs][i] <- vec[negs][i <- sample(sum(negs), 1)]   1
        vec[pos][i]  <- vec[pos ][i <- sample(sum(pos ), 1)] - 1

If I run this code 100 times:

results <- list()

for (i in 1:100)


r_i = rand_vect(3,72)

results[[i]] <- r_i


When I look at the numbers that came out:

[1] 23 24 25

[1] 25 24 23

[1] 24 25 23

[1] 23 24 25

[1] 25 24 23

[1] 24 24 24

[1] 24 25 23

[1] 24 25 23

[1] 24 25 23

[1] 24 23 25

In each iteration, all the numbers add to 72 as expected - but the numbers don't really "look that random". They all seem to be "clumped" around "24, 23, 25". I was hoping to see more "randomness" in these numbers. For example:

[[11]] [1] 5 50 17

[[12]] [1] 12 40 20

  • Why are the numbers in the code I am using "clumped" around 24, 23, 25 - and how can I change the above code so that there is more "randomness" in the numbers being generated?

Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

If you just want three random integers that sum to 72 you could do something like

diff(c(0, sort(sample(72, 2)), 72))
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