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python argument on value


I have a results_table as below:

               sum_sq         df           F            PR(>F)
    ABC         4.13          4.0        337.2           2.53
    Residual    4.45         110.0       NaN             NaN

What I am trying to do to print out 'test positive' only if PR(>F) is greater than 1. I tried the below:

if results_table.loc[[1],'PR(>F)'] > 1:
    print('test positive')

But I get the below error:

KeyError: "None of [Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')] are in the [index]"

Could someone please help me with how to do this?

CodePudding user response:

With loc use should row/col names

if results_table.loc[['ABC'],'PR(>F)'] > 1:
    print('test positive')

CodePudding user response:

If you are actually trying to access a single value then this

if results_table.loc['ABC', 'PR(>F)'] > 1:
    print('test positive')

or better this (.at[] is optimised for this kind of access)

if results_table.at['ABC', 'PR(>F)'] > 1:
    print('test positive')

should work.

The brackets here .loc[[1], 'PR(>F)'] or here .loc[['ABC'], 'PR(>F)'] make the result a series.

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