Home > other >  Newbie questions, written in pycharm python code, to achieve the function is to use TXT to the opera
Newbie questions, written in pycharm python code, to achieve the function is to use TXT to the opera


1, the problem description: run on your computer is no problem, after packaging on work computer operation no problem, but the change ". TXT "(for example, will change the number of executions) don't run after,
Packaging use pyinstaller - F - w
Specific code is as follows:

` ` `
# fo=open (r "C: \ Users \ \ Desktop Liang Liang beam \ 123. TXT", "r", encoding="utf-8")
The import pyautogui
Pyautogui. FAILSAFE=True # safety switch
Anquans=[] # security extract data
Anquan=open (r "C: \ Users \ start \ Desktop \ security. TXT", "r", encoding="utf-8") # read security configuration file
# anquan=open (r "C: \ Users \ \ Desktop Liang Liang beam \ security. TXT", "r", encoding="utf-8")
For the line in anquan:
The line=line. Replace (" \ n ", "")
Anquans. Append (a list (map (eval, line. The split (", "))))
Anquan. Close () # close security configuration file
C=1 # main program loop preparing
For a in range (len (anquans)) : each line # traversal
For b in the range (len (anquans [a])) : # iterate through each row of each element
If (anquans [a] [b]=='pause interval) :
Pyautogui. PAUSE=anquans [a] [b + 1] # PAUSE interval
If (anquans [a] [b]=='execution times') :
C=anquans [a] [b + 1]

Def yidong1 () : # move
# print (' mobile ')
Pyautogui. MoveTo (datals a + [1], [I] datals [a + 2], [I] duration=0.25)
Def shubiaozuodanji2 () : # click
# print (' danji)
Pyautogui. Click ()
Def shubiaoyoudanji3 () : # right-click
# print (' youji)
Pyautogui. RightClick ()
Def shubiaoshuangji4 () : # double-click
# print (' shuangji)
Pyautogui. DoubleClick ()
Def jianpanshuru5 () : # enter
# print (' shuru)
Pyautogui. Typewrite (datals [I] a + [1])
Def jianpananjian6 () : # function keys
# print (a)
Pyautogui. Press (datals [I] a + [1])
Def shubiaozhongji7 () : # middle mouse button
# print (' zhongji)
Pyautogui. MiddleClick ()
Def shubiaogunlun8 () : # mouse wheel
# print (' zhongji)
Pyautogui. Scroll (datals [I] a + [1]) # it only accepts an integer, if the value is positive roll up, roll down value is negative,
Def zuhejian9 () : # mouse wheel
# print (' zhongji)
Pyautogui. Hotkey (datals a + [1], [I] datals [I] [a] + 2) # key combination

Def default () : # function to be executed by the default
"' e=2 + 1

Press the mouseDown () and pop-up mouseUp ()
Drag and drop dragTo () and dragRel (), its parameters and moveTo () and moveRel (),
KeyDown () : press a key, keyUp () : a release button, press () : a full keystroke, the combination of the two functions in front of the
The switch={' 1 ': yidong1, # note here do not add parentheses
'2' : shubiaozuodanji2, # note here do not add parentheses
'3' : shubiaoyoudanji3, # note here don't add brackets
'4' : shubiaoshuangji4, # note here don't add brackets
'5' : jianpanshuru5, # note here do not add parentheses
'6' : jianpananjian6,
'7' : shubiaozhongji7,
'8' : shubiaogunlun8,
'9' : zuhejian9,


Datals=[] # extract data
F=open (r "C: \ Users \ start \ Desktop \ execution flow. TXT", "r", encoding="utf-8")
# f=open (r "C: \ Users \ \ Desktop Liang Liang beam \ execution flow. TXT", "r", encoding="utf-8")
For the line in f:
The line=line. Replace (" \ n ", "")
Datals. Append (a list (map (eval, line. The split (", "))))
F. lose ()
# print (datals)

For d in range (c) :
For I in range (len (datals) : each line # traversal
For a in range (len (datals [I])) : # iterate through each row of each element
# print (datals [I] [a])
Choice=datals [I] [a] # for choosing
Switch. The get (choice, default) (#) to perform the corresponding function, if there is no will perform a default function

` ` `

CodePudding user response:

Pyinstaller - F - c packaging, see what wrong execution report
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