Home > other >  Under macOS pyinstaller packaging file can't find libgeos_c. Dylib
Under macOS pyinstaller packaging file can't find libgeos_c. Dylib


My code in the source file with the from shapely. Geometry import Polygon,
Pyinstaller packaged into the app file, operation error, error message is as follows:
The File "/Library/Frameworks/Python framework Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site - packages/PyInstaller/loader/pyimod03_importers py", line 489, in exec_module
Exec (the bytecode, the module __dict__)
The File "site - packages/shapely/administrators. Py", line 112, in & lt; module>
The File "site - packages/PyInstaller/loader/pyiboot01_bootstrap py", line 146, in __init__
__main__. PyInstallerImportError: Failed to load dynlib/DLL '/var/folders/ly/jdc64c9k2qrdvm0000gn 1992100941/T/_MEI1g41tt/lib/libgeos_c dylib'. Most probably this dynlib/DLL was not found when the application was frozen.
Excuse me, how to solve,
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