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How to create on the Ubuntu installation Buildozer Kivy App Android APK?


Install buildozer in the Ubuntu 13.10 is not easy. I reinstall Ubuntu several times, now I want to share my how to install buildozer.
I received the following error: from buildozer
Can't find./distribute. Sh - & gt; Didn't find repair (this is why I reinstall Ubuntu twice, may be a python installation problem, but I'm not sure) & gt; _add_java_src () fails - & gt; Add the correct Java JDK path to repair it

CodePudding user response:

Described below program is very useful for me:
I have been in the Windows 7 (64) in the host system within the virtual machine (VMware player) installed the new Ubuntu 13.10 (32-bit).
I decided to use a 32 bit, because the VM used RAM is not much, don't need a 64 - bit system. But the 64 - bit Ubuntu may also work (untested). I upload VMWare files in the zip archive to Google drive (as the root user password in the Ubuntu users Alexander UbuntuBuildozer)
You can find the zip file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5m9_RVHCpL-YmxPVnVaYWZyZ2s/edit? Usp=sharing
Install Python - Kivy (http://kivy.org/docs/installation/installation-linux.html#ubuntu-11-10-or-newer)

$sudo add apt - repository ppa: kivy - team/kivy
$sudo apt - get the update
$sudo apt - get the install python - kivy

Installation points, if you don't have:

$sudo apt - get the install python - PIP python - dev build - essential

Buildozer prerequisites: need zlib, Git, Cython and JDK

$sudo apt - get the install zlib1g - dev git - core cython its - 7 - JDK

Java JDK installation guide (http://tecadmin.net/install-java-jdk-ubuntu/#) & gt; Install buildozer (https://github.com/kivy/buildozer)

$sudo PIP install buildozer

Initialization buildozer and start debugging (only need to install the android SDK and the NDK and ANT - don't need the main py, it takes a few minutes) :

$buildozer init
$buildozer android debug

If buildozer _add_java_src () failure: in/home/yourusername/. Add JDK bashrc path - add these lines at the end, it is important to use 1 x JDK instead of Java 7 path) :

The export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/JVM/Java 1.6.0 - its - i386/bin
Export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/JVM/Java 1.6.0 - its - i386

Now go to your application. The main py and execute the following command:

$buildozer init
(edit buildozer. The spec and change your app name and check the versioning on line or line 32-28/29 & gt; Depends on your main. Py code
See SO answer to 07004)
$buildozer android debug deploy run

CodePudding user response:

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