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How to link a view to a model in vb.net code First


I've an old programm with edmx. Inside this one, I've linked a class (Table) To a View (Table/filter on a value of a column) I want migrate this project to code first. I copy/paste the project delete edmx file and generate models from an existing database. All is good except this link.

partial public Class JointAffectation
 public property Id as Long
 public IdRecherche as Integer 'the link with my view
 PUBLIC OVERRIDABLE PROperty RechercheJoint as ViewRechercheJoint

But When I try to use function of automatical sort/filter using expression I've error : The specified type member 'RechercheJoint' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.

If I removed I error saying I don't same comumn and property... Also , How Can I stipulate RechercheJoint is mapped on IdRecherche

thanks for your help

CodePudding user response:

Finally Using modelbuilder, I can join my view and my table like in edmx

Partial Public Class JointAffectation
  Public Property Id As Long
  Public Property IdTypeJoint As Long
  Public Property IdRecherche As Integer
  Public Overridable Property JointType As JointType

  Public Overridable Property RechercheJoint As ViewRechercheJoint

End Class

Partial Public Class ViewRechercheJoint
  Public Property Id As Integer

  Public Property Libelle As String

  Public Overridable Property JointAffectations As ICollection(Of JointAffectation)

End Class 

modelBuilder.Entity(Of JointAffectation)() _
        .HasRequired(Function(e) e.RechercheJoint) _
        .WithMany(Function(e) e.JointAffectations) _
        .HasForeignKey(Function(e) e.IdRecherche)
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