Home > other > Centos7 using SBT compile spark1.4.1 encounter problems
Centos7 using SBT compile spark1.4.1 encounter problems
Recently started to contact spark, in centos7 environment, for spark1.4.1 - SRC compile time encountered the following problem: In the spark directory to perform the build/SBT package, there will be: Is the spark directory to perform the build/SBT package, appear: Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile build/SBT - launch - 0.13.7. Jar Such a mistake, Tried a lot of kinds of solution are invalid, accidentally discovered under the ubuntu, JDK versions of the same, the same hadoop version, ubuntu can successfully compiled through, but will appear on the centos above mistakes, because the lab cluster is centos environment, and the rest of the project need to use SBT compilation, it may not be able to solve, help you master!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!
Attached: I use the various tools version: JKD: 1.7.0 _79 Hadoop: server Scala: 2.11.7 The spark: the 1.4.1
CodePudding user response:
Words, basic about the same, you and me but I am using the compiler maven, and succeeded
CodePudding user response:
Can see help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31637752/building-apache-spark-using-sbt-invalid-or-corrupt-jarfile