Home > other >  Hive2.1.1 could not use the mysql database
Hive2.1.1 could not use the mysql database


Environment: win10 operating system, jdk1.8.0 _172, hadoop2.7.1 installation is complete, normal boot, Hbase1.4.9 can start and normal use,
HIVE: apache - hive2.1.1 unzipped, environment variables have been configured, created in the HDFS directory and authorization, in the operating system creates the resources, querylog four directories, such as
Hive - site. XML and database about the directory configuration has been completed,
MYSQL: mysql5.1 and mysql5.7.29 are installed, can be connected, created the hive database, jar package using MYSQL connector - Java - 5.1.46. Jar,

Problem: the hive starts, will create bucketing_cols under the hive of mysql database, CDS and a series of tables, but hive using the command show the databases; Only the default library, use the use hive; Complains database does not exist,

Online didn't find relevant answers, feel has connected the MYSQL database, automatically create related tables in the hive, but can't use, don't know the installation, configuration, using which step out of the question,, every brother please give directions! Grateful!

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