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How to map specific column in entity class


I have two tables Users and UserRoles. These are the entity class I have created,

public Users {

@Column(name = "id")
private Long userId;

private UserRole userRole;

@Column(name = "user_name")
private String userName;

public UsersRoles {

@Column(name = "user_role_id")
private Long userRoleId;

@Column(name = "user_role_name")
private String userRoleName;

Repository Class,

public interface UsersRepository extends JpaRepository<Users ,Long>{
 public List<Users> findByUserName(String userName);

For this I am able to get Json result like this.

   "userrole": {
   "userrole": {


Instead of this can I get something like this..


What changes I need to do in my entity class for getting only userrolename in result.

CodePudding user response:

I think you will need to create a getter for userrolename:

public String getUserRoleName() {
  return userRole.getUserRoleName();

To ignore unwanted fields, annotate them with @JsonIgnore

CodePudding user response:

You can try to use the @Converter annotation in your entity. However this way you will have the string (or preferably an enum) in your entity and this will produce your wanted json.

CodePudding user response:

you can achieve this using DTOs and modelMapper library :

    <version>current version</version>

public class UsersDTO {
    String userid ; 
    String username ;
    String userrolename ;

UsersDTo dto= modelMapper.map(user, UsersDto.class);

another way is to instantiate the dto class in your repo

 @Query("SELECT new de.smarterco.example.dto.UsersDTO(u.id, u.username ,ur.name ) 
FROM Users u 
join u.UsersRoles  ur")
    List<UsersDTO> findUsersDTo();

And the final way to do this is using jpa projection by creating your dto as interface

public intefaceUsersDTO {
    String getuserid() ; 
    String username () ;
    String userRoleName ();

and in your repo :

@Query("SELECT u.id , u.username ,ur.name as userRoleName  ) 
FROM Users u 
join u.UsersRoles  ur")
    List<UsersDTO> findUsersDTo();
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