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, consult about the cocos shader


Recently, the younger brother in the cocos shader knowledge of his first introduction to encounter problems cannot be solved again, every brother dared ask
I originally wrote a shader program cannot run then I don't see texture and copy online examples of some bosses over still can't see the texture in the heart is very confused to consult:

The following are examples of bosses and no error is texture shows don't come out
Create elven:
Auto Sprite=Sprite: : create (" HelloWorld. PNG ");
If (Sprite==nullptr)
ProblemLoading (" 'the HelloWorld. PNG ");
The else

Sprite - & gt; SetPosition (Vec2 (visibleSize. Width/2 + origin. X, visibleSize. Height/2 + origin. Y));
This - & gt; AddChild (Sprite);
ShaderNode (Sprite);

This method is
Void the HelloWorld: : shaderNode (Node * Node)
GLProgram * program=GLProgramCache: : getInstance () - & gt; TestShader getGLProgram (" ");
If (the program==nullptr)
Program=GLProgram: : createWithFilenames (" test. The vert ", "test. Frag");
GLProgramCache: : getInstance () - & gt; TestShader addGLProgram (program, "");
GLProgramState * programState=GLProgramState: : getOrCreateWithGLProgram (program);
ProgramState - & gt; SetUniformVec4 (" u_grayParam Vec4 (0.2 f, f 0.3, 0.5 f, 1.0 f));
Node - & gt; SetGLProgramState (programState);

Vertex shader
The attribute vec4 a_position;
The attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
Varying vec2 v_texCoord;
Void main ()
Gl_Position=CC_PMatrix * a_position;

A fragment shader
Varying vec2 v_texCoord;
Uniform vec4 u_grayParam;
Void main ()
Vec4 texColor=texture2D (CC_Texture0 v_texCoord);
TexColor. RGB=texColor. R * u_grayParam. R + texColor. G * u_grayParam in g + texColor. B * u_grayParam. B;

CodePudding user response:

 solved solved the original check the link at the bottom of the failed because the resources did not find embarrassing code no problem can run normally

CodePudding user response:

you have any qq group active point of the great god of what the more the better I a person otherwise it's too hard to
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