Home > other >  Hadoop 2 x cluster machine accessed through webhdfs cluster file, how to implement? Need DNS?
Hadoop 2 x cluster machine accessed through webhdfs cluster file, how to implement? Need DNS?


Hadoop 2 x cluster outside machine through webhdfs access file within the cluster,
Visit http://namenode directly with the IP address (IP) : 50070/webhdfs/v1/test/XXX. TXT? Op=open, visit this will redirect to a certain node, for example: datanode1,
Can you tell me whether the machine by IP address outside the cluster can be accessed through webhdfs within the hadoop cluster file? It was not feasible? Because of security issues,
If you want to the client through the web access outside the cluster, what is the solution? Currently has a more stupid way, adding cluster hosts file on the client all machines within the machine name and IP address, strives for the better way,
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