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The ifixes with OMRON double to state the CW1 - ETN21D communications


The ifixes with OMRON double to state the CW1 - ETN21D communication
A, double machine hot standby configuration Settings
CX - 1. The Programmer to create a new project, select the device type and CPU type, select network type, first with a serial port to download to choose Toolbus,

2. IO table and unit set, the unit number on hardware with the software of IO list unit number is set to the same (need artificially to dial),

3. IO table and unit set up in the face 2 block to state the net module for unit set, two pieces to state the module 2 network segment address, first set 1 address must be the same, the third set of different segments, the project 0 slot by state network IP address 0 units, 1 unit no. 1 slot to state the IP address for, subnet are set to cover,

4. In the set set duplex communication unit, CS1D communications unit 0 to tick, duplex set to run automatically,

5. Set up the hardware DPL01 hot standby unit

5. 1 DPL SW: 1 to "OFF, said to double machine model, DPL SW: 2 to ON, said the left set active unit for CPU, DPL SW: 2 to OFF, said the right CPU unit is set to the activity,
5. 2
SW: 2 to ON, the computer can communicate via a serial port and 232 CPU, the other for "OFF,
6. Download program
6. 1 the RIGHT CPU to NO USE, first close the RIGHT CPU,
Turn LEFT to USE the CPU, and LEFT the computer CPU PORT via a serial PORT communication cable connection, download procedures,
6. 2 after the download is complete, the daddy LEFT the CPU to NO USE, the RIGHT to USE the CPU, first with CPU on the RIGHT side of the PORT the computer via a serial PORT communication cable connection, download procedures,
7. The hardware unit dial-up
7. 1 power via a serial port after downloading, the 0 slot to state the unit number set to 0, node number to 10 (the last of the IP address), the no. 1 slot to state the unit number is set to 0 (download program is 1), node number to 10 (the last of the IP address),

7. 2 check PTS56 unit number MACH NO 0, respectively, and the PDC55 unit number MACH NO 3, 4,
7. 3 DPL01 hot standby unit to USE CPU,
7. 4 to module is powered on, check the dual machine thermal state is normal, according to the above Settings mode, normal word DPL STATUS green, on the left side of the ACTIVE and CPU STATUS green, on the right side of the ACTIVE is not bright, on the right side of the CPU STATUS green, if closed on the left side of the power supply, is on the left side of the ACTIVE and CPU STATUS is not bright, on the right side of the ACTIVE and CPU STATUS green, double machine hot standby, success ETN21D module on at the same time, the DPL is normally on the communication module, standby DPL flash,

Two, the routing table Settings
1. Open the CX - Integrator software, by state net work online, start the routing table,

No. 2. The following figure configuration unit SIUO and local network, click ok and download,

3. Check the main view, save closure,

Three, OMRON FinsGetway Settings
1. Install finsgetway2003 and Upgrade for ETN21D,
2. Start ETN_UNIT unit, and set to AUTO,

3. Click on the Network and the Unit Settings (Network Unit set Properties), pop-up ETN_UNIT Properties,

4. Duplex set up the network number is 2, on the node address is 100 (computer IP address last), choose with network adapter card,

5. Communication unit set up card master card, FINS - IP Conversion Settings to Automatic Generation (Dynamic),

6. Check the network status, whether to spare,

7. FINS Network Tester to test the Network is normal, normal display CPU model, under the

Four, ifixes Settings
1. By IO driver install OMF driver,
2. Inside the SCU increase OMF driver,

3. OMF drive configuration is as follows:

3. The channel 1 configuration Settings, choose to state the unit, the unit address IP address and the last is the same with the upper machine, the main network card IP address, spare network card IP address is,

3. Create a database in the ifixes, name the following address:
Digital input/output, digital quantity name example D11 register address: the CIO: 3-0
Analog input/output analog name example D11 register address: the CIO: 2000
, D11: DM: 100
D11 is OMF drive configuration inside the device name, address must satisfy the drive configuration inside the inside of the I/O block address range,

CodePudding user response:

Through the engineering validation, very practical
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