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Get icon from XML URL


I am creating some EPG for the website. I do not have experience. Unfortunately, I'm finding it difficult. How can I get the icons, what is wrong in this code?`

   $url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HelmerLuzo/TDTChannels_EPG/master/TDTChannels_EPG.xml';
   foreach($xml->programme as $item){
         echo "Logo : ".'<icon src="' .$item->icon. '"/>';
         echo "Title : ".$item->title. "<br>";
         echo "<br>";

output after code (missing icon):

Logo : Title : La hora de La 1 La hora política

Logo : Title : Menudos Torres

Logo : Title : Corazón ...

XML url is like this:

<programme start="20220513083000  0200" stop="20220513100000  0200" channel="24Horas.TV">
<title lang="es">La hora de La 1 La hora política</title>
<sub-title lang="es">La hora política</sub-title>
<desc lang="es">Magazine matinal de la 1 presentado por Marc Sala y Silvia Intxaurrondo en el que se reúne información de actualidad con reportajes y entrevistas dedicados a analizar en profundidad el mundo de la política.</desc>
<category lang="es">Entretenimiento</category>
<category lang="es">Magacín</category>
<icon src="https://www.movistarplus.es/recorte/n/caratula4/M24HP2071537" />
<country lang="es">España</country>
<episode-num system="onscreen">T3 E169</episode-num>
<rating system="ES">

CodePudding user response:

This was a fun one. This uses a known hack to convert the xml into an array using json_decode and json_encode, this makes it easier to work with in my opinion. It also makes extensive use of the DateTime object.


$url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HelmerLuzo/TDTChannels_EPG/master/TDTChannels_EPG.xml';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
$xml = json_decode(json_encode($xml), true); // Hack so we don't have to cast values in the future

// https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
$originalTimezone = 'Europe/Madrid';
$changeTimezone = 'Australia/Sydney'; // If empty, will not change timezone
$outputFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s O';

$channels = [];
foreach ($xml['channel'] as $channel) {
    $id = $channel['@attributes']['id'];
    $channels[$id]['Display Name'] = $channel['display-name'];
    $channels[$id]['Now Showing'] = [];

$now = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($originalTimezone));
$programmes = [];
foreach ($xml['programme'] as $programme) {
    $id = $programme['@attributes']['channel'];

    $start = $programme['@attributes']['start'];
    $start = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis O', $start);
    if (!empty($changeTimezone))
        $start = $start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($changeTimezone));
    $stop = $programme['@attributes']['stop'];
    $stop = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis O', $stop);
    if (!empty($changeTimezone))
        $stop = $stop->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($changeTimezone));

    if ($start < $now && $now < $stop) {
        $nowShowing = [
            'Title' => $programme['title'],
            'Description' => '',
            'Date' => '',
            'Start' => '',
            'Stop' => ''
        if (isset($programme['desc']))
            $nowShowing['Description'] = $programme['desc'];
        if (isset($programme['date']))
            $nowShowing['Date'] = $programme['date'];

        $nowShowing['Start'] = $start->format($outputFormat);
        $nowShowing['Stop'] = $stop->format($outputFormat);
        $channels[$id]['Now Showing'] = $nowShowing;


This will output a series of array elements like so:

  array(2) {
    ["Display Name"]=>
    string(16) "Al Jazeera Qatar"
    ["Now Showing"]=>
    array(5) {
      string(8) "Newshour"
      string(192) "Boletín informativo que hace un repaso a las últimas noticias del día desde los distintos distintos centros internacionales que Al Jazeera tiene en Doha, Kuala Lumpur, Londres y Washington."
      string(4) "2006"
      string(25) "2022-05-13 07:00:00  1000"
      string(25) "2022-05-13 08:00:00  1000"

CodePudding user response:

If I understand you correctly, something like this should get you close to what I think you are trying to do. Note that not all programs have associated logos.

$progs = $xml->xpath('//programme');

foreach ($progs as $prog) {
    $title = $prog->xpath('./title/text()')[0];
    $link = (count($prog->xpath('./icon/@src'))>0) ? ($prog->xpath('./icon/@src'))[0] : ("No icon");
    echo($title .": ".  $link);
    echo "\r\n";
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