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Could you tell me about UE4 WIDGET


WidgetComponent=CreateDefaultSubobject (the TEXT (" WidgetComponent "));
WidgetComponent - & gt; AttachToComponent (RootComponent FAttachmentTransformRules: : KeepRelativeTransform);
UClass * Widget=LoadClass (NULL, TEXT (" WidgetBlueprint '/Game/Assest/GamePlayerUI/CharacterPropertyUi CharacterPropertyUi_C' "));
WidgetComponent - & gt; SetWidgetClass (Widget);

I to add this widget to my character, but shows don't come out of this, unless I'm crazy move the mouse to show but will disappear after a while, ask me what's going on, I wrote a function less

CodePudding user response:

WidgetComponent position size facing produced, whether can only see the widget widget positive
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