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Using the command line packaging cocos file times wrong, how should solve


- the compile:
31 [javac] the Compiling the source files to D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ bin \ classes
Warning: [javac] [options] source value 1.5 is outdated, will be deleted in all future release
[javac] warning: [options] target values are outdated, 1.5 will be deleted in all future release
Warning: [javac] [options] to hide warnings about obsolete options, please use - Xlint: - options,
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 9: error: package org. Apache. HTTP does not exist
[javac] import org. Apache.. HTTP headers;
[javac] ^
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 10: error: package org. Apache. HTTP. The message there is no
[javac] import org. Apache. HTTP. Message. BasicHeader;
[javac] ^
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 47: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] public void onFailure (int I, Header [] headers, byte [] errorResponse, Throwable Throwable) {
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
(javac) location: class DataTaskHandler
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 57: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] public void onSuccess (int I, Header [] headers, byte [] binaryData) {
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
(javac) location: class DataTaskHandler
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 109: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] public void onFailure (int I, Header [] headers, Throwable Throwable, File File) {
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
(javac) location: class FileTaskHandler
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 119: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] public void onSuccess (int I, Header [] headers, the File File) {
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
(javac) location: class FileTaskHandler
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 255: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] Header [] headers=null;
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 259: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] List
List=new ArrayList
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 259: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] List
List=new ArrayList
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 260: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] list. Add (new BasicHeader (" Range "and" bytes="+ fileLen +" - "));
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class BasicHeader
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 261: error: can't find the symbols
[javac] headers=list. ToArray (new Header [list. The size ()]);
[javac] ^
[javac] symbols: class Header
[javac] D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java: 263: error: unable to access HttpEntity
/javac task. Handle=downloader. _httpClient. Get (Cocos2dxHelper, getActivity (), url, headers, null, task. The handler).
[javac] ^
[javac] can't find the org. Apache. HTTP. HttpEntity class file
[javac] note: some of the input file covers use or outdated API,
[javac] note: for more information, please use - Xlint: deprecation recompile,
[javac] note: D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Documents \ Cocos \ CocosProjects \ HelloOnceAgain \ proj android \ SRC \ org \ cocos2dx \ lib \ Cocos2dxDownloader Java used without inspection or unsafe operations,
[javac] note: for more information, please use - Xlint: unchecked recompile,
12 error (javac)
[javac] three warning

D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ Android \ SDK \ tools \ ant \ build XML: 716: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ Android \ SDK \ tools \ ant \ build XML: 730: Compile failed; See the compiler error output for details.nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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