Can you give some opinion?
Below is the output TCP frame the data inside the
Void PrintData (unsigned char * data, int Size)
Int I, j;
For (I=0; i
If (I.=0 & amp; & 16 I %==0)//if one line of hex printing is complete...
Fprintf (logfile, "");
For (j=I - 16; j{
If (data [j] & gt;=32 & amp; & Data [j]
=128)Fprintf (logfile, "% c", (unsigned char) data [j]);//if its a number or alphabet
The else fprintf (logfile, ". ");//otherwise print a dot
Fprintf (logfile, "\ n");
If (I % 16==0) fprintf (logfile, "");
Fprintf (logfile, "% 02 x", (unsigned int) data [I]);
If (I==the Size - 1)//print the last Spaces
for(j=0; j<15 - I % 16; J++)
Fprintf (logfile, "");//extra Spaces
Fprintf (logfile, "");
For (j=I - I % 16; j<=I; J++)
If (data [j] & gt;=32 & amp; & Data [j]
Fprintf (logfile, "% c", (unsigned char) data [j]);
The else
Fprintf (logfile, ". ");
Fprintf (logfile, "\ n");