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, ask for help: About: AttributeError: 'Conv2d object has no attribute' weight '


Checked a day didn't solve the problem, the bosses for help!!!

Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "SR. Py, line 45, in & lt; module>
"Train" (opt, Gs, Zs, reals, NoiseAmp)
The File "E: \ SinGAN - masterplus \ SinGAN \ training py", line 34, "train" in
D_curr, G_curr=init_models (opt)
The File "E: \ SinGAN - masterplus \ SinGAN \ training py", line 310, in init_models
NetG. Apply (models. Weights_init)
The File "E: \ abcd \ lib \ site - packages, torch, nn \ modules \ module py", line 293, in the apply
The module. The apply (fn)
The File "E: \ abcd \ lib \ site - packages, torch, nn \ modules \ module py", line 293, in the apply
The module. The apply (fn)
The File "E: \ abcd \ lib \ site - packages, torch, nn \ modules \ module py", line 294, in the apply
Fn (self)
The File "E: \ SinGAN - masterplus \ SinGAN \ models py", 51, the line in weights_init
M. eight. Data. Normal_ (0.0, 0.02)
The File "E: \ abcd \ lib \ site - packages, torch, nn \ modules \ module py", line 591, in __getattr__
Type (self). __name__, name))
AttributeError: 'Conv2d' object has no attribute 'weight'
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