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Checking if null value is present in three columns and creating a new column in PySpark


So currently, I have a Spark DataFrame with three column and I'm looking to add a fourth column called target based on whether three other columns contain null values. For example,

 ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
|column_1     |column_2   |column_3   |   target  |  
 ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
|          1  |       null|       null|    FAIL   |
|         null|       null|       null|    PASS   |
|         null|         1 |       null|    FAIL   |
|         null|       null|       null|    PASS   |
|         null|       null|       null|    PASS   |
|         null|       12  |       null|    FAIL   |
|         null|       null|       null|    PASS   |
|         null|       null|       null|    PASS   |
|         null|       null|         2 |    FAIL   |

If column_1, column_2, column_2 are all null I want the value in the target column to be pass, else FAIL. Initially, I thought a UDF or Pandas UDF would do the trick, but from what I understand you should use PySpark function before you use a UDF, because they can be computationally expensive.

Since I'm new to PySpark one of the methods I'm first trying out is df.withColumn("target", col("column_1").isNull()).show(n=10). It kinda work. I'm just confused on what the best way to check all three at once and instead the target column being true or fail. I want to specify the value to be PASS or FAIL. Are there any other PySpark function or method I should be aware of to get the resulting target column I'm looking for. Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

You can use coalesce for this. coalesce will return first non-null value from multiple columns. If all are nulls, it will return null.

df = df.withColumn('target', F.when(F.coalesce('column1', 'column2', 'column3').isNull(), 'PASS').otherwise('FAIL'))

CodePudding user response:

You can utilise Higher Order Functions for this -

Data Preparation

s = StringIO("""

df = pd.read_csv(s,delimiter='|')

sparkDF = sql.createDataFrame(df)\
             .withColumn('column1',F.when(F.col('column1') == "NaN",F.lit(None)).otherwise(F.col('column1')))\
             .withColumn('column2',F.when(F.col('column2') == "NaN",F.lit(None)).otherwise(F.col('column2')))\
             .withColumn('column3',F.when(F.col('column3') == "NaN",F.lit(None)).otherwise(F.col('column3')))


 ------- ------- ------- 
 ------- ------- ------- 
|    1.0|   null|   null|
|   null|   null|   null|
|   null|    1.0|   null|
|   null|   null|   null|
|   null|   null|   null|
|   null|   12.0|   null|
|   null|   null|   null|
|   null|   null|   null|
|   null|   null|    2.0|
 ------- ------- ------- 


Transform a combined column as ArrayType as higher order functions require an array input

sparkDF = sparkDF.withColumn('combined'

sparkDF = sparkDF.withColumn('target',F.forall('combined', lambda x: x.isNull()))\


 ------- ------- ------- ------------------ ------ 
|column1|column2|column3|combined          |target|
 ------- ------- ------- ------------------ ------ 
|1.0    |null   |null   |[1.0, null, null] |false |
|null   |null   |null   |[null, null, null]|true  |
|null   |1.0    |null   |[null, 1.0, null] |false |
|null   |null   |null   |[null, null, null]|true  |
|null   |null   |null   |[null, null, null]|true  |
|null   |12.0   |null   |[null, 12.0, null]|false |
|null   |null   |null   |[null, null, null]|true  |
|null   |null   |null   |[null, null, null]|true  |
|null   |null   |2.0    |[null, null, 2.0] |false |
 ------- ------- ------- ------------------ ------ 
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