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Make a wide dataframe long and add columns according to another column's name


I need to use some names of the columns as part of the df. While keeping the first 3 columns identical, I need to create some other columns based on the content of the row.

Here I have some transactions from some customers:

cust_id    cust_first   cust_last   au_zo   au_zo_pay   fi_gu   fi_gu_pay   wa     wa_pay
0   1000    Andrew       Jones      50.85   debit        NaN      NaN      69.12    debit
1   1001    Fatima       Lee        NaN      NaN        18.16     debit    NaN       NaN
2   1002    Sophia       Lewis      NaN      NaN         NaN      NaN     159.54.  credit
3   1003    Edward      Bush       45.29    credit     59.63    credit     NaN       NaN
4   1004    Mark        Nunez      20.87    credit     20.87    credit    86.18     debit

First, I need to add a new column, 'city'. Since it is not on the database. It is defaulted to be 'New York'. (that's easy!)

But here is where I am getting stuck: Add a new column 'store' holds values according to where a transaction took place. au_zo --> autozone, fi_gu --> five guys, wa --> walmart

Add new column 'classification' according to the store previously added: auto zone --> auto-repair, five guys --> food, walmart --> groceries

Column 'amount' holds the value of the customer and store.

Column 'transaction_type' is the value of au_zo_pay, fi_gu_pay, wa_pay respectively.

So at the end it looks like this:

  cust_id  city cust_first  cust_last   store   classification  amount  trans_type
0   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     auto zone auto-repair      50.85  debit
1   1000  New York  Andrew  Jones     walmart   groceries        69.12  debit
2   1001  New York  Fatima  Lee       five guys food             18.16  debit
3   1002  New York  Sophia  Solis     walmart   groceries        159.54 credit
4   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      auto zone auto-repair      45.29  credit
5   1003  New York  Edward  Bush      five guys food             59.63  credit
6   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     auto zone auto-repair      20.87  credit
7   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     five guys food             20.87  credit
8   1004  New York  Mark    Nunez     walmart   groceries        86.18  debit

I have tried using df.melt() but I don't get the results.

CodePudding user response:

Try this

# assign city column and set index by customer demographic columns
df1 = df.assign(city='New York').set_index(['cust_id', 'city', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'])
# fix column names by completing the abbrs
df1.columns = df1.columns.to_series().replace({'au_zo': 'autozone', 'fi_gu': 'five guys', 'wa': 'walmart'}, regex=True)
# split column names for a multiindex column
df1.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([c.split('_') if c.endswith('pay') else [c, 'amount'] for c in df1.columns], names=['store',''])
# stack df1 to make the wide df to a long df
df1 = df1.stack(0).reset_index()
# insert classification column
df1.insert(5, 'classification', df1.store.map({'autozone': 'auto-repair', 'five guys': 'food', 'walmart': 'groceries'}))

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Is this something you want?

import pandas as pd
mp = {
'au_zo': 'auto-repair',

### Read txt Data: get pandas df
# I copied and pasted your sample data to a txt file, you can ignore this part
with open(r"C:\Users\orf-haoj\Desktop\test.txt", 'r') as file:
    head, *df = [row.split() for row in file.readlines()]
    df = [row[1:] for row in df]
    df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=head)

### Here we conduct 2 melts to form melt_1 & melt_2 data
# this melt table is to melt cols 'au_zo','fi_gu', and 'wa'. & get amount as value
melt_1 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo','fi_gu','wa'], var_name='store', value_name='amount')
# this melt table is to melt cols ['au_zo_pay','fi_gu_pay','wa_pay']. & get trans_type cols
melt_2 = df.melt(id_vars=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last'], value_vars=['au_zo_pay', 'fi_gu_pay', 'wa_pay'], var_name='store pay', value_name='trans_type')
# since I want to join these table later, it will a good to get one more key store
melt_2['store'] = melt_2['store pay'].apply(lambda x: '_'.join(x.split("_")[:-1]))

### Remove NaN
# you prob want to switch to test = test.loc[~test['amount'].isnull()] or something else if you have actual nan
melt_1 = melt_1.loc[melt_1['amount'] != 'NaN']
melt_2 = melt_2.loc[melt_2['trans_type'] != 'NaN']

### Inner join data based on 4 keys (assuming your data will have one to one relationship based on these 4 keys)
full_df = melt_1.merge(melt_2, on=['cust_id', 'cust_first', 'cust_last', 'store'], how='inner')
full_df['city'] = 'New York'
full_df['classification'] = full_df['store'].apply(lambda x: mp[x])

In addition, this method will have its limitation. For example, when one to one relationship is not true based on those four keys, it will generate wrong dataset.

CodePudding user response:

One other way is as follows:

df1 is exactly as df with renamed names ie having the name amount in from of the store value

df1 = (df
 .rename(lambda x: re.sub('(.*)_pay', 'pay:\\1', x), axis=1)
 .rename(lambda x:re.sub('^(((?!cust|pay).)*)$', 'amount:\\1', x), axis=1))

Now pivot to longer using pd.wide_to_long and do the replacement.

df2 = (pd.wide_to_long(df1, stubnames = ['amount', 'pay'], 
    i = df1.columns[:3], j = 'store', sep=':', suffix='\\w ')

store = {'au_zo':'auto zone', 'fi_gu':'five guys', 'wa':'walmart'}
classification =  {'au_zo':'auto-repair', 'fi_gu':'food', 'wa':'groceries'}

df2['classification'] = df2['store'].replace(classification)
df2['store'] = df2['store'].replace(store)

 cust_id cust_first cust_last      store   amount     pay classification
0      1000     Andrew     Jones  auto zone    50.85   debit    auto-repair
2      1000     Andrew     Jones    walmart    69.12   debit      groceries
4      1001     Fatima       Lee  five guys    18.16   debit           food
8      1002     Sophia     Lewis    walmart  159.54.  credit      groceries
9      1003     Edward      Bush  auto zone    45.29  credit    auto-repair
10     1003     Edward      Bush  five guys    59.63  credit           food
12     1004       Mark     Nunez  auto zone    20.87  credit    auto-repair
13     1004       Mark     Nunez  five guys    20.87  credit           food
14     1004       Mark     Nunez    walmart    86.18   debit      groceries

//NB You could consider using pivot_longer from janitor

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