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SQL JOIN two JSON columns, by two related ids


I have two related JSON columns referring to multiple tables.

I need to match every resulting permutation.


writers :

| id | name | supervising (JSON)  | projects (JSON)   |
|:-- |:-----| :-------------------| :-----------------|
| 1  | John | ["3","4","5","6" ]  | null              |
| 2  | Bill | ["7","8","9","10" ] | null              |
| 3  | Andy | null                | ["1","2" ]        |
| 4  | Hank | null                | ["3","4","5" ]    |
| 5  | Alex | null                | ["6","7","8" ]    |
| 6  | Joe  | null                | ["9","10" ]       |
| 7  | Ken  | null                | ["11","12","13" ] |
| 8  | Zach | null                | ["14","15","16" ] |
| 9  | Walt | null                | ["17","18" ]      |
| 10 | Mike | null                | ["19","20","21" ] |
  • writers.supervising is a JSON object referring to writers.id
    • John supervises Andy, Hank, Alex, and Joe
    • Bill supervises Ken, Zach, Walt, and Mike
  • writers.projects is a JSON object referring to projects.id
    • Andy handles Boston and Chicago
    • Hank handles Cisco, Seattle, and North
    • et cetera

...John and Bill don't write; they supervise writers listed by writers.id in writers.supervising JSON.

The writers have papers they write...

projects :

| id | title    |
|:-- |:---------|
| 1  | Boston   |
| 2  | Chicago  |
| 3  | Cisco    |
| 4  | Seattle  |
| 5  | North    |
| 6  | West     |
| 7  | Miami    |
| 8  | York     |
| 9  | Tainan   |
| 10 | Seoul    |
| 11 | South    |
| 12 | Tokyo    |
| 13 | Carlisle |
| 14 | Fugging  |
| 15 | Turkey   |
| 16 | Paris    |
| 17 | Midguard |
| 18 | Fugging  |
| 19 | Madrid   |
| 20 | Salvador |
| 21 | Everett  |

I need to work with the supervisors and the papers:

  1. Get a list of all projects.id by writers under John's supervision.
  2. Check and see if:
  • John (writers.id=1) is supervising the "Carlisle" (projects.id=13) project (0 rows)
  • Bill (writers.id=2) is supervising the "Carlisle" (projects.id=13) project (1 row)

What I need:

I need something like...

  1. Get a list of all projects.id by writers under John's supervision (writers.id=1).
SELECT p.id, p.title FROM projects p
JOIN writers w
WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(writer s ON s.supervising
AND s.id = '1';

Desired result:

| 1  | Boston   |
| 2  | Chicago  |
| 3  | Cisco    |
| 4  | Seattle  |
| 5  | North    |
| 6  | West     |
| 7  | Miami    |
| 8  | York     |
| 9  | Tainan   |
| 10 | Seoul    |
  1. Check if John (id 1) supervises Carlisle (id 13)
SELECT id FROM projects p
WHERE writer s JSON_CONTAINS(writer w ON s.supervising
  JSON_CONTAINS("13" ON p.id)
AND s.id = '1';

Desired result: 0 rows

I don't think either is right. But, I know that I'm looking through permutations of two JSON objects.

CodePudding user response:

When I understand you problem correct, the result should be:

supervisor writer title
John Hank Cisco
John Hank Seattle
John Hank North
John Alex West
John Alex West
   SELECT 0 as x
   SELECT x 1 FROM cte WHERE X<10),
tbl_writers as ( 
   -- cte.x,
   JSON_VALUE(projects,CONCAT('$[',cte.x,']')) as project
from writers 
cross join cte
where JSON_VALUE(projects,CONCAT('$[',cte.x,']')) is not null
tbl_supervisors as (
   -- cte.x,
   JSON_VALUE(supervising,CONCAT('$[',cte.x,']')) as project
from writers 
cross join cte
where JSON_VALUE(supervising,CONCAT('$[',cte.x,']')) is not null

   s.name  as supervisor, 
   w.name  as writer,
from tbl_supervisors s
left join tbl_writers w on w.project = s.project
inner join projects p on p.id = s.project
where s.name = 'John'


With the cte's I am first creating two tables (tbl_writers) and (tbl_supervisors). SQL works better on tables than on JSON-formatted data, because there was no JSON when SQL was born.

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