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Arduino two rounds of the bicycle


Video link: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDMzMzQ2NDgzMg==.html? X& Sharefrom=android& Sharekey=ccd527f1095c1a342b54044dda4fd0744

Arduino Nano, 298 n control motor, MPU6050 balance,
The balance of the bicycle in the dynamic adjustment, the adjustment quantity under different speed is different, so the program:
Kn=26 - (re_da [2] - 1100)/50;
Val1=re_da [0] - (agx + k_x) * kn.
If (val1 & lt; Val1=900) (900);
If (val1 & gt; Val1=2100) (2100);
Kn to offset correction, related to speed, there is no speed, just replace with the throttle, re_da [2] is the receiver of the 2 channel data, and results to ensure that the accelerator 1400 kn=20-10-1900 parameter,
Offset val1=aileron channel (1) - (gyroscope X axis offset + static migration) X kn, the so-called adjustable parameter is adjusted kn various parameters in the formula,

CodePudding user response:

Wrong, re_da [2] is 3 channel throttle data,

CodePudding user response:

You have to ask what
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