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How Mojolicious modifies Perl syntax


Reading Mojolicious minions documentation I found the following code:

use v5.28;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use experimental qw( signatures );
use Time::HiRes qw( time );

plugin Minion => {
    SQLite => 'sqlite:' . app->home->child('minion.db'),

# ...

How did they create a new syntax plugin Minion => {...}? I've never seen it in classic Perl books. Is it a function call with a hash parameter: "Minion" being a key and a hashref {...} is a value?

Also they call app->start - app is a function returning a blessed hashref? But if it was a hash why "start" is not enclosed into braces? This syntax looks strange to me.

CodePudding user response:

app is a function which returns $app which is an instance of Mojolicious::Lite=HASH

app->start is same as app()->start


"sub app; local *app = sub { \$app }; use Mojo::Base -strict; $content";
                             ^ not a reference but escape
                             due to eval() of double quoted string


perl -MMojolicious::Lite -E 'no warnings; sub foo; local *foo = sub { app }; say for foo, app'



plugin is a regular function

perl -MData::Dumper -wE 'sub plugin { print Dumper \@_ } plugin Minion => { SQLite => "sqlite:" }'
$VAR1 = [
            'SQLite' => 'sqlite:'

You can add parens, and drop fat comma to look like the usual function call,

plugin("Minion", { SQLite => "sqlite:" });
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