First: to create large pools of Cognito identity (including the creation of authentication and verification role)
And then: run AWS. CognitoIdentityCredentials. Get ()
First step fails, because Cognito AWS endpoint CORS no response headers, for the mobile/desktop app is not the problem, but in the browser is a obstacle, how to solve this problem?
Base generated file attached in the end, I removed the AWS account ID, if you want to use the sample files in the attachment, in the AWS console using default Settings to create a new identity pool and from a file copy/paste region, the account ID, identity pool ID and rolearn,
I received from the browser console information is as follows:
XMLHttpRequest always load No 'Access - Control - Allow - Origin' header is present on the requested resource. The Origin of '' is therefore not allowed Access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
Attach my code:
Incognito error: error: Network Failure {message: "the Network Failure", code \ : "NetworkingError", time, Thu 27 Nov 2014 09:55:26 GMT + 0100 (Central European Standard time), the region: "the eu - west - 1", the hostname: ""... }
Finally enclosing base generated file:
<script SRC="" & gt; </script>
AWS. Config. Credentials=new AWS. CognitoIdentityCredentials ({
AccountId: '123456789012',
IdentityPoolId: 'the eu - west - 1: fd1 b5dbefe5 - c991-4 - b17b - aef2e1e5964f',
RoleArn: 'arn: aws: iam: : 123456789012: role/Cognito_rudimentaryUnauth_DefaultRole'
AWS. Config. Credentials. Get (function (err) {
if (! Err) {
The console. The log (" Cognito Identity Id: "+ AWS. Config. Credentials. IdentityId);
} else {
The console. The log (' Incognito error: ', err);