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# List of Students student List
Student_names=[' Mike ', 'Sarah', 'Matthew', 'Smith', 'Melanie', 'Renjith', 'his',' Mark ', 'Rebeka', 'Jenna']
# List of Students Mark four subjects
Students_math_marks=[91.99, 94.43, 89,85.23, 90.31, 88,78.6, 92,94.35, 80.72]
Students_english_marks=[83.56, 95.34, 83,90.44, 88.32, 95,97.7, 91,95.54, 89.32]
Students_physics_marks=[92.19, 89.51, 90,88.55, 89.45, 97,89.8, 87,81.72, 93.54]
Students_chemistry_marks=[89.64, 87.63, 98,94.66, 93.78, 85,86.9, 95,84.81, 91.86]
Total grade #
Programming requirements:
1. Print show the names begin with "M", students English scores between 83 and 88, and listed on the same line four subjects and grade, separated with Tab
Print all student 's Name, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry and Total Mark in a single line, the columns separated by a TAB
# # Student 's Name starts with "M" and English mark between 83 and 88.
2. Print according to the student's name to "h" at the end of the, mathematics result higher than 90 or physical result higher than 95, and listed on the same line four subjects and grade, separated with Tab
Print all student 's Name, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry and Total Mark in a single line, the columns separated by a TAB
# # Student 's Name ends with "h" and "Math mark who 90 or Physics mark & gt; 95