Home > other >  FatalErrorException: syntax error, unexpected end of file
FatalErrorException: syntax error, unexpected end of file


Dear stackoverflow member PHP developers. Despite all the coding in a project, I am getting the following error persistently. It gives a syntax error on line 102, the last line. I get the error "syntax error, unexpected end of file". I've been trying for 3 days but I couldn't find the error. Thank you very much if you help.

<?php foreach($entrysquizquest as $key => $entry): ?>

    <section  id="section_<?php echo e($entry->order); ?>" data-entry="<?php echo e($entry->id); ?>">

        <?php if($entry->title): ?>
            <h2  >
                <?php echo e($entry->title); ?>

        <?php endif; ?>

        <div >
            <div >
             <?php echo $__env->make('._particles.others.entrysharebuttons', array_except(get_defined_vars(), array('__data', '__path')))->render(); ?>
            <a id="" ><img  style="display: block;width:100%" alt="<?php echo e($entry->title); ?>" src="<?php echo e(makepreview($entry->image, null, 'entries')); ?>"></a>
            <small><?php echo $entry->source; ?></small>

            <?php echo $entry->body; ?>

        <div ></div>
        <div  style="margin-left:-15px;">
            <?php $sitep = $post->entry()->where('type', 'answer')->where('source', $entry->id)->get(); ?>

            <ol 2" ?  'thlarge' : 'thlist'); ?><?php endif; ?>">
                <?php foreach($sitep as $keya => $answers): ?>
                    <?php  $keya=$keya 1;?>

                        <a  href="javascript:"  data-answer="<?php echo e($answers->id); ?>" data-result="<?php echo e($answers->video); ?>" >
                            <div >
                                <?php if($entry->video!='3'): ?>
                                    <img  alt="<?php echo e($answers->title); ?>" src="<?php echo e(makepreview($answers->image, null, 'answers')); ?>">
                                <?php endif; ?>
                                <h4  >
                                    <i ></i>
                                    <span  >
                                    <?php echo $answers->title > "" ? $answers->title : '<br>'; ?>

                        <div ></div>
                    <?php if(($keya%3)==0 and $entry->video=='1'  or ($keya%2)==0 and $entry->video=='2' ): ?>
                        </ol><div ></div> <ol 2" ?  'thlarge' : 'thlist'); ?><?php endif; ?>">
                    <?php endif; ?>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
        <div ></div>


<section  id="quiz_result" data-popup="<?php echo e(getcong('BuzzyQuizzesPopup')); ?>">
    <div >
        <h2 ><?php echo e($post->title); ?></h2>
            <?php foreach($entrysquizresults as $keyp => $entry): ?>

                <li  data-order="<?php echo e($keyp); ?>" data-result="<?php echo e($entry->id); ?>" data-link="<?php echo e(Request::url()); ?>" data-name="<?php echo e(trans('buzzyquiz.yougot', ['title'=> $entry->title])); ?>"  data-iname="<?php echo e(trans('buzzyquiz.igot', ['title'=> $entry->title, 'posttitle'=> $post->title])); ?>"  data-itname="<?php echo e(trans('buzzyquiz.igotfortweet', ['title'=> $entry->title])); ?>" data-description="<?php echo e(strip_tags($entry->body)); ?>" data-picture="<?php echo e($entry->image > "" ? makepreview($entry->image, null, 'entries') : makepreview($post->thumb, 'b', 'posts')); ?>">

                    <h2 >
                        <?php echo e(trans('buzzyquiz.yougot', ['title'=> $entry->title])); ?>

                    <div ></div>
                    <div    <?php echo e($entry->image == '' ? 'style=width:100%' :''); ?><?php echo $entry->body; ?></div>

                    <div  >
                        <img  style=" float: right;"  src="">


            <?php endforeach; ?>

<div ></div>
    <div >
    <h2 ><?php echo e(trans('buzzyquiz.shareresult')); ?></h2>
    <div >
        <a href="javascript:" ><?php echo e(trans('index.sharefacebook')); ?></a>
        <a href="javascript:" ><?php echo e(trans('index.sharetweet')); ?></a>
        <a href="javascript:" ><?php echo e(trans('index.sharepinterest')); ?></a>
        <a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=<?php echo e(Request::url()); ?>" ><?php echo e(trans('index.sharegoogle')); ?></a>
    <div ></div>

CodePudding user response:

in line 57 add

<?php endforeach; ?>

you forget end foreach

CodePudding user response:

Check for syntax error on a debugger. For instance, you have two > :

<?php echo ($entry->image == '' ? 'style=width:100%' :''); ?>><?php echo
  •  Tags:  
  • php
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