I am building a horizontal website. Each page has several sections.
I am trying to create the following functionality: When the user scrolls to the right, the page should scroll to the next avaiable section. If user scrolls to the left - return to the previous section. I am using the jQuery visible lib to check which section is visible in the viewport.
So far I tried different methods but none of them is working properly.
I will appreciate any help or directions. Thank you! :)
Here is my code:
<div id="main">
<div >
<div >
<div id="firstSection" ></div>
<div id="secondSection" ></div>
<div id="thirdSection" ></div>
JavaScript/jQuery (one method)
let lastScroll = 0;
$('#main').on('scroll', function(event) {
let st = $(this).scrollLeft();
// Scrolling forward
if (st > lastScroll && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(1)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
if (st > lastScroll && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(2)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
// Scrolling back
if (st < lastScroll && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(2)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
if (st < lastScroll && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(3)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
lastScroll = st;
JavaScript/jQuery (another method)
window.addEventListener("wheel", function (e) {
// Scrolling forward
if ( e.deltaY > 0 && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(1)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
if ( e.deltaY > 0 && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(2)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
// Scrolling back
if ( e.deltaY < 0 && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(2)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
if ( e.deltaY > 0 && $('.wrapper .section:nth-child(3)').visible(true) ) {
behavior: 'smooth',
CodePudding user response:
This can be done without javascript or jQuery using scroll-snap-* css properties. Example below, demonstrate horizontal scrolling of sections using scroll-snap-*.
.wrapper {
display: flex;
overflow-x: scroll;
-ms-scroll-snap-destination: 0 0;
scroll-snap-destination: 0 0;
-ms-scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
scroll-snap-type: x mandatory
.wrapper .section {
height: 100vh;
width: 100vh;
min-width: 100vw;
scroll-snap-align: start;
scroll-snap-stop: always;
.wrapper .section:nth-child(1) {
background: red;
.wrapper .section:nth-child(2) {
background: lightgreen;
.wrapper .section:nth-child(3) {
background: yellow;
<div id="main">
<div >
<div >
<div id="firstSection" ><h1>First Section</h1></div>
<div id="secondSection" ><h1>Second Section</h1></div>
<div id="thirdSection" ><h1>Third Section</h1></div>
CodePudding user response:
you can simply use CSS scroll snap type.
Here is the documentation. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/scroll-snap-type
And this super useful tutorial :D https://css-tricks.com/practical-css-scroll-snapping/
You can make the scroll snap to a position of said section.