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Python compute nodes in the message queue if long time to process the data will be disconnected, beg


Message queue control center no problem

On the compute nodes, if messages are received, and short time processing data, then feedback information, not an error

But if the data processing computing node time grows, can report errors pika. Exceptions. ConnectionClosed: (connection closed by peer

Check relevant information on the Internet, thought is the compute nodes for a long time no feedback to the control center think no response automatically disconnected, try solutions have make heartbeat_interval=0 but there is no effect, the heartbeat no reaction test=0, (the other want to ask about what is the difference between these two parameters)

Really do not know how to start, want to ask about now, the message queue, and what may lead to a long time! No feedback processing information is automatically disconnected, what is the possible solution, you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!