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RegEx/JS: Wrap innerHTML text elements in span including nested HTML elements


Given the innerHTML of an element, I'm trying to wrap each word in a span, and if the word is already wrapped, wrap the element.

e.g. Such that Here is a paragraph <span >which</span> <div id="typed-effect">might</div> have nested elements

Becomes <span>Here</span> <span>is</span> <span>a</span> <span>paragraph</span> <span >which</span> <span><div id="typed-effect">might</div></span> <span>have </span> <span>nested</span> <span>elements</span>

The components I have are:

  1. Extract the innerHTML and wrap in spans:
function wrapElementText(elementSelector) {
   const element = document.querySelector(elementSelector);
   const rawHTML = element.innerHTML;
   // Do magic to create list
   element.innerHTML = "";
   list.forEach((i, item) => {
     if (!item.contains(`<span`)) {
        element.innerHTML  = `<span >${item}</span>`
  1. My best attempt is this ((\<.*?\>)|((\s?).*?(\s))) but it's returning e.g. <div id="typed-effect"> and might</div> as seperate groups when it should be one group <div id="typed-effect">might</div>.

Thanks so much in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Ok so i came up with these solutions:

  1. the regex approach(not recommended but what you asked for):
function wrapElementTextRegexp(elementSelector) {
    const element = document.querySelector(elementSelector);
    const chunks = element.innerHTML.match(/[a-zA-Z] |(<[a-z][^>] >. <\/[^>] >)/g);
    element.innerHTML = "";
    for(const chunk of chunks) {
        element.innerHTML  = !chunk.startsWith('<span')
            ? `<span >${chunk}</span>`
            : chunk

Here, the regexp is searching for a whole text or for a html tag pattern(simplified), in case it finds something that is not a span it wraps it in a span, otherwise it just return the original span

  1. the childNodes approach(imo better):
function wrapElementTextNodes(elementSelector) {
    const element = document.querySelector(elementSelector);
    const parsedInnerHTML = [...element.childNodes]
        .map(node => node instanceof HTMLElement
            ? node instanceof HTMLSpanElement
                ? node.outerHTML
                : `<span >${node.outerHTML}</span>`
            : node.textContent
                  .split(/\s /)
                  .map(word => `<span >${word}</span>`))
        .filter(chunk => !chunk.match(/><\//g))
  element.innerHTML = parsedInnerHTML;

Here we have access to the instances and we don't have to split the innerHTML since we're using childNodes, in the example i mapped the nodes by checking if the node was an actual HTMLElement and if yes if it was a HTMLSpanElement. After the first map i used a filter to remove from the array every empty node generated after the map(filtering out nodes like <span ></span>) and finally i join() the elements.

IMPORTANT NOTE wrapping a <div> element inside a <p> it's a bad practice, javascript won't recognize any childNode after the div(included) so for example if you have


the div and the node example will be omitted in element.innerHTML that, in this case, will return some. So make sure you correct your markup

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