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Python crawl qq music to jay Chou songs listing problems a great god, please help


QQ music web search jay song list but have no way to turn pages after
According to download the client
But on the tutorial code can achieve
Have a great god can ask why?
The import requests
# quote requests module
for x in range(5): params={ 'ct':'24', 'qqmusic_ver': '1298', 'new_json':'1', 'remoteplace':'sizer.yqq.song_next', 'searchid':'64405487069162918', 't':'0', 'aggr':'1', 'cr':'1', 'catZhida':'1', 'lossless':'0', 'flag_qc':'0', 'p':str(x+1), 'n':'20', 'w':'周杰伦', 'g_tk':'5381', 'loginUin':'0', 'hostUin':'0', 'format':'json', 'inCharset':'utf8', 'outCharset':'utf-8', 'notice':'0', 'platform':'yqq.json', 'needNewCode':'0' } # 将参数封装为字典 res_music=requests.get(url,params=params) # 调用get方法,下载这个字典 json_music=res_music.json() # 使用json()方法,将response对象,转为列表/字典 list_music=json_music['data']['song']['list'] # 一层一层地取字典,获取歌单列表 for music in list_music: # list_music是一个列表,music是它里面的元素 print(music['name']) # 以name为键,查找歌曲名 print('所属专辑:'+music['album']['name']) # 查找专辑名 print('播放时长:'+str(music['interval'])+'秒') # 查找播放时长 print('播放链接:https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/song/'+music['mid']+'.html\n\n') # 查找播放链接

CodePudding user response:

Search after some page displayed in the url parameter, needs to be modified, otherwise will only crawl of the first page
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