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Pydroid3 pyjnius installation errors


The terminal operation and its PIP interface operation error

/storage/emulated/0 $PIP install pyjnius
Collecting pyjnius
Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/b2/c3/a2b122da2536168241bf823f5d6fc7a7cf1da82eecadcf6ebe535ed28093/pyjnius-1.2.1.tar.gz
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1:
Command:/data/user/0/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/files/aarch64 - Linux - android/bin/python3.7 - c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; Sys. Argv [0]='"' "'/data/data/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/cache/PIP - install - zdoezaax pyjnius/setup. Py '"'" '; A __file__='"' "'/data/data/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/cache/PIP - install - zdoezaax pyjnius/setup. Py '"'" '; F=getattr (tokenize, '"' "' open '"'" 'to open) (__file__); Code=f.r ead (). The replace (' "'" '\ r \ n' "'" ', '"' "' \ n '"'" '); F. lose (); Exec (the compile (code, a __file__, '"' "' exec '"'" ')) 'egg_info - an egg - base/data/data/ru iiec. Pydroid3/cache/PIP - install - zdoezaax/pyjnius/PIP - an egg - info
CWD:/data/data/ru iiec. Pydroid3/cache/PIP - install - zdoezaax/pyjnius/
Complete the output lines (13) :
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "& lt; String>" , the line 1, the in & lt; module>
The File "/data/data/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/cache/PIP - install - zdoezaax pyjnius/setup. Py", line 92, in & lt; module>
Compile_native_invocation_handler (* get_possible_homes (PLATFORM))
The File "jnius/env. Py, line 170, in get_possible_homes
Get_jdk_home (platform),
The File "jnius/env. Py, line 135, in get_jdk_home
[' which ', 'javac]
The File "/data/user/0/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/files/aarch64 - Linux - android/lib/python3.7 subprocess. Py", line 395, in check_output
* * kwargs) stdout
The File "/data/user/0/ru. Iiec. Pydroid3/files/aarch64 - Linux - android/lib/python3.7 subprocess. Py", line 487, in the run
The output=stdout and stderr=stderr)
Subprocess. CalledProcessError: the Command '[' which', 'javac'] 'returned non - zero exit status 1.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ERROR: the Command errored out with the exit status 1: python setup. Py egg_info Check the logs for full Command output.
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