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Used as a Hive metastore something wrong connecting database server


Want to use is essentially as a Hive metastore database, but the connection error, Hive version 0.13.1 error message below

Javax.mail. Jdo. JDOFatalDataStoreException: Unable to open a test connection to the given database. The JDBC url=JDBC: essentially://cnshdqadbsvr1:1433; DatabaseName='metastore_db'; User=sa; Password=Qatest123; Encrypt=true; TrustServerCertificate=true; The create=True; SelectMethod=cursor, username=sa. Terminating the connection pool (set lazyInit to true if you expect to start your database after your app). The Original Exception: -- -- -- -- -- --
Com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerException: always open database "' metastore_db" requested by the login. The login failed. The d2e4c ClientConnectionId - 593-05 e76 f7-4-8739 - fc3e99d33bcc
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerException. MakeFromDatabaseError (SQLServerException. Java: 216)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. TDSTokenHandler. OnEOF (tdsparser. Java: 254)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. TDSParser. Parse (TDSParser. Java: 84)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. SendLogon (SQLServerConnection. Java: 2908)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. Logon (SQLServerConnection. Java: 2234)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. Access the $000 (SQLServerConnection. Java: 41)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection $LogonCommand. The doExecute (SQLServerConnection. Java: 2220)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. TDSCommand. Execute (IOBuffer. Java: 5696)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. ExecuteCommand (SQLServerConnection. Java: 1715)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. ConnectHelper (SQLServerConnection. Java: 1326)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. Login (SQLServerConnection. Java: 991)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerConnection. Connect (SQLServerConnection. Java: 827)
At com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerDriver. Connect (SQLServerDriver. Java: 1012)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 571)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 187)
At com. Jolbox. Bonecp. Bonecp. ObtainRawInternalConnection (bonecp. Java: 361)
At com. Jolbox. Bonecp. Bonecp. & lt; init> (BoneCP. Java: 416)
At com. Jolbox. Bonecp. BoneCPDataSource. GetConnection (BoneCPDataSource. Java: 120)
The at org. Datanucleus. Store. RDBMS. ConnectionFactoryImpl $ManagedConnectionImpl. GetConnection (ConnectionFactoryImpl. Java: 501)
The at org. Datanucleus. Store. RDBMS. RDBMSStoreManager. & lt; init> (RDBMSStoreManager. Java: 298)
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 57)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. NewInstance (DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl. Java: 45)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Constructor. NewInstance (526) Constructor. Java:
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. NonManagedPluginRegistry. CreateExecutableExtension (NonManagedPluginRegistry. Java: 631)
The at org. Datanucleus. Plugin. The PluginManager. CreateExecutableExtension (PluginManager. Java: 301)
The at org. Datanucleus. NucleusContext. CreateStoreManagerForProperties (NucleusContext. Java: 1187)
The at org. Datanucleus. NucleusContext. Initialise (NucleusContext. Java: 356)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. FreezeConfiguration (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 775)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. CreatePersistenceManagerFactory (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 333)
The at org. Datanucleus. API. Jdo. JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOPersistenceManagerFactory. Java: 202)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 57)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (606) Method. The Java:
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper $16. The run (JDOHelper. Java: 1965)
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. Invoke (JDOHelper. Java: 1960)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. InvokeGetPersistenceManagerFactoryOnImplementation (JDOHelper. Java: 1166)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOHelper. Java: 808)
The at javax.mail. Jdo. JDOHelper. GetPersistenceManagerFactory (JDOHelper. Java: 701)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. GetPMF (310) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. GetPersistenceManager (339) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. The initialize (248) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. ObjectStore. SetConf (223) the ObjectStore. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. ReflectionUtils. SetConf (ReflectionUtils. Java: 73)
At org, apache hadoop. Util. ReflectionUtils. NewInstance (ReflectionUtils. Java: 133)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Metastore. RawStoreProxy. & lt; init> (RawStoreProxy. Java: 58)
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