Home > other >  MongoDB aggregation. Split string $project to return two fields. Field one: last element of split,
MongoDB aggregation. Split string $project to return two fields. Field one: last element of split,


I have the following object containing one string field

  _id: '>Books>IT>C#>Cloud computing>'

Using aggregation, I need to return the following object. (_id)

  _id: 'Cloud Computing',
  Path: '>Books>IT>C#>'

Please note, _id should not have any > characters and Path should start and end with >. Also when using $concat or $reduce to concatenate string values of the $split, I need to append > to the end of each element.

I have tried the following, but I have the following errors:

  1. Path field starts with two >, instead of one

  2. $reduce does not exclude the last element of the split

  3. Path field does not end with > character

        '$project': {
            'Split': {
                '$filter': {
                    'input': {
                        '$split': [
                            '$_id', '>'
                    'as': 'categories', 
                    'cond': {
                        '$ne': [
                            '$$categories', ''
    }, {
        '$project': {
            '_id': {
                '$last': '$Split'
            'Path': {
                '$reduce': {
                    'input': '$Split', 
                    'initialValue': '>', 
                    'in': {
                        '$concat': [
                            '$$value', {
                                '$cond': [
                                        '$eq': [
                                            '$$value', ''
                                    }, '', '>'
                            }, '$$this'

Resulting in:

  _id: 'Cloud Computing',
  Path: '>>Books>IT>C#>Cloud Computing'

CodePudding user response:

Few small adjustments:

  1. $splice the array at the second step.
  2. No need for $cond, just concat the >
    $project: {
      Split: {
        $filter: {
          input: {"$split": ["$_id", ">"]},
          cond: {$ne: [ "$$this",  ""]}
      _id: 0
    $project: {
      _id: {$last: "$Split"},
      Path: {
        $reduce: {
          input: {
            $slice: ["$Split", 0, {$subtract: [{$size: "$Split"}, 1]}]
          initialValue: ">",
          in: {$concat: ["$$value", "$$this", ">"]}

See how it works on the playground example

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